0 - Failed Summoning

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Hi everyone! This is Aki. Well not in the book but the author :)

This is my first bigger fanfiction project? I'm excited to come back to writing through this project. I really hope to improve through this!

If you could leave feedback in the comments, or if you liked the story go ahead and press that vote button! 

Follow me so you can be notified when I update this story!

Thanks and enjoy!
-Ka Ki out

Within a hotel courtyard, a man sits alone on a bench. A cup of coffee in his right hand, his other arm stretched across the other side. The small area is open to the dazzling sky above, stars gleaming away.

A few trees and shrubbery covered the general vicinity, it seemed to be planted quickly. You could tell through the spacing. Ominous feelings generally pushed people away from entering, as they rather stay in the rooms that they paid for.

There was only one corridor leading in and out with the end being gated.

He mumbled toward himself, like a man with an agenda, but no time.

"Inanna. My lady. It is almost time for your descent back onto the place of man."

The cheap watch on his left wrist starts to beep. He slowly rises from the bench, full of tenseness. He puts down the coffee to free his hands.

On the ground are circles with engravings of symbols into the brick floor. Within the middle a lapis lazuli stone, with an animal also engraved. This on the other hand was ancient, compared to the patterns on the circle.

The man standing at 5'9, stuck his hand out. The light reflected across his darker skin tone. He began to chant:

"From the heavens that you reside in. 

To the earth that we are upon.

None shall be unworthy of the love you give.

None shall be unworthy of the battles you've fought.

Love. Beauty. War."

The circle starts to glow as he chants. Each verse increases the strength of the power.

I put my life upon the grail.

I put my very existence on this.

The riches upon this circle are the offerings that I give.

These small ties from the generational creations.

From the world to you. Co-"

A white light consumes the vicinity of the circle, shooting into the sky.
During the ritual's occurrence, with only a mirror, an immense strength knocks the stone away from the center. Almost like a replacement.

It ceases.


Smoke filled the corridor and out it plunged into the open courtyard. The rate of the smoke coming in was faster than it escaping into the air. Its color, sight, or even composition was exquisite, making it impossible to see through.

The man frantically looked around, eventually coming to his senses.


Suddenly the courtyard was illuminated by bright lights. Mirrors were placed standing up, each one acting as a spotlight all on him. Some on the roof and some within the shrubbery. All carefully placed with such precision.

Steps approached him, with each one, you just knew had elegance. A male voice speaks out. Not just anyone, but ever so refined.

"This is I believe checkmate?"

The man walks out of the smoke. Black coat and a deerstalker hat on.

He smiles.

"Caster!" A girl trails alongside him.

She stands a lot shorter than the person next to her, but most noticeably, the red markings on the back of the right hand.

"Anu! You and your family trace wayyy back to the Mesopotanian times right?" Almost mocking him.

"What of it? You and your damned association are so have reached a low, you're all stealing info on nobodies?"

"Why act like a nobody? You were so nice back then! Drift away from everything nowww? Can't we have a good chatttt?"

"I'd rather have my circuits removed than talk to any of you." His expression is filled with disgust.

"Your toneee is so cold! I'm almost freezing out here!" She continues. "Caster here was right! By interrupting your ritual, we can dispose of the master without the trouble!"

Anu scoffs.

"It must be funny for the man who lives in dreams and fantasies correct? Did you actually think you were going to see your goddess tonight?"

He holds back his anger. Those very words had not only insulted him, but his entire lineage. Almost helpless, he knows he can't do anything. He's by himself. With no one.

"Caster. You said you had a way to kill him!"

Caster nods. "Weapons aren't a huge part of my forte. When I don't have to, I don't. Although the clues are in place. The mystery has been uncovered."

He reaches to his waist and pulls out a gun. It was refined, to fit the man's overall appearance. It wasn't any modern looking gun, but an older revolver looking type.

"Bye-Bye Anu." the girl gives a cheerful smile and waves.

The servant let out a sigh and aimed forth.

The contract has been sealed.

Your life and fate will be mine.

Those words, were meant particularly for no one to hear. Though. Full of importance like riches to man.

The circle re-glows, light exploding and engulfing the courtyard.

"Caster. I can't see anything."

Anu's eyes attempted to focus. A figure towered over him. He looked up and saw the face of an older man, glasses and a grey mustache.

"Servant." He paused. "Archer. I've arrived in response to your callings. Make some use of me master, you're in trouble aren't you?" He smiled. Unlike the girl's this one was filled with... evil.

Anu's face told it all. He was confused, almost. This wasn't the heroic spirit he was expecting after all. 

"An unexpected detail. A very important, missed one. Well I suppose this was the work of an outside force. I had accounted for this happening, but the probability was low after all." The coated man takes a step forward. 

Archer turned toward the enemy servant. His eyes glowed almost at first sight.

He stood there for a few seconds, almost like he was thinking. A smirk took over his face.

"Holmes. You're losing your touch." His words were very light.

"Caster who is that?" Her voice was loud, and almost fazed by the sudden appearance.

Holmes on the other hand chuckles a little.

"This once in a while is refreshing. Who is this person? An enemy? A servant? Unfortunately that is correct. What a coincidence. In this place of all times." Holmes smiles brightly, facing toward his new enemy.

"James Moriarty."

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