You have no Idea...

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{Note :- Mature content. Readers discretion advised. I am not marking it, since it will spoil the flow of the chapter.}

It is still dark when Wei Ying walks towards the mouth of the cave while Lan Zhan and Wen Ning scout the area.

Having hidden the disciples a few hundred meters away, the three men had started the last leg of their journey. As expected, they had encountered Meng Yao's men who had been standing guard around the cave.

After having dealt with them swiftly, Lan Zhan had handed over the Ying iron to Wei Ying and mutually concluded that Wei Ying will assess the situation at the cave while the other two kept watch.

Needless to say, both Lan Zhan and Wei Ying had been surprised at not finding Meng Yao and the rest of the clan leaders at the sight.

"Is it possible that Meng Yao changed his mind?" Lan Zhan wonders to which Wei Ying shakes his head, "He won't. As long as he thinks the Yin Iron is here, he will come to fetch it."

Just as Wei Ying is about to use his demonic cultivation to assess the situation, Lan Zhan stops him, "Wei Ying, wait."

The light bearer walks to his husband and hands him a parchment paper, with a note in a familiar handwriting. 

"Jiang Cheng?" Wei Ying exclaims.

Hanguang Jun, 

After receiving your message, Zewu Jun and I devised a plan to stall Meng Yao. I hope that was enough for you to rescue the children. We are on our way to the cave, and according to Meng Yao, we will be there an hour after sunrise. 

We are okay, I hope you all are too. 

Jiang Cheng

Wei Ying reads the letter and nods understandingly, "This explains why they are not here yet."

"And that we have a little over an hour or so till they get here." Lan Zhan adds.

Wei Ying nods and puts his ears to the wall of the cave. But steps away almost immediately. "Lan Zhan, last time when we came here, I was weak. And the power that I did have, was getting drained because of the blood spell, remember?"

Lan Zhan nods, "You were both spiritually and physically weak at that time. And I was so worried about your well-being, that my spiritual power was not calm either... Are you thinking of entering the cave again?"

"Mn. Lan Zhan, last time, we did manage to get the Yin Iron, but we were unsuccessful in calming the souls. They are in pain, Lan Zhan. Hundreds of souls, manipulated to keep Ying Iron guarded. We need to put them out of their misery."

Lan Zhan nods, "I understand, but if we do that now, Meng Yao will sense it. He will sense the change. Though the energy here is not as polluted as it was before we took the Yin Iron, any cultivator can feel that this place is not positive. The residual negative energy still lingers, alerting anyone with spiritual power that this area is tainted by demonic cultivation."

Wei Ying's face falls, "Just like me." He chuckles humorlessly.

Lan Zhan can't see Wei Ying once again pull himself down. He pulls the younger man in his arms, "Wei Ying, please don't say that."

Wei Ying returns the embrace, "Lan Zhan, I am such an idiot. Had I realized that you were this perfect during my time in Cloud Recesses," Wei Ying cups Lan Zhan's face and traces his lips, "Lan Zhan, I wish we were not so exposed right now."

Lan Zhan's eyes fall to his husband's lips as they part, he sighs, "Hanguang Jun..." Wei Ying whispers prying the light bearer's lips open and pushing the tip of his thumb between them.

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