A Jealous man

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Jin Guangyao is sitting in his room with Lan XiChen when Jiang Cheng enters.  He bows respectfully to both the Clan leaders and they return the bow.

The three clan leaders are served tea by Jin Lanling house help.

After dismissing the help Jin Guangyao speaks, "Second brother and Clan leader Cheng the matter I want to address is of a personal nature for both your Clans.", he pauses and with a innocent tone adds,  "Lan Wangji has fled with Yiling patriarch , that is a very serious matter. Not only did he flee with that evil doer he even assisted in his escape. But I am willing to overlook it." he finishes self-importantly.

Lan XiChen's always smiling face is sullen. He addresses his third brother first, "Yao,  thank you for your generosity but what is it that you need the Lan Clan to do for looking past Wangji's error in judgement?"

"Second Brother, I know how vicious Yiling Patriarch is, surly he has tricked Hanguang Jun. He must have used his crafty trick to corrupt his mind. So Brother there is nothing I want from Lan Clan... but if it's OK with you I would like you to allow me to discreetly search Cloud Reassess." Meng Yao says smiling like a snake.

Lan XiChen sighs, "Yao, that is not an unreasonable request. But can you please give me sometime to think about it?"

"Second brother, you know I can never refuse you... anything" Meng Yao says in looking intensely at Lan XiChen.

Jiang Cheng has had enough already. He rolls his eyes at the two Zuns and says in a slightly irritated voice, "Clan leaders if you are done with the formalities, I have something to say. And it's about Yiling Patriarch so it's important."

*Lotus Cove*
*Wei Ying's room*

A bath tub is sitting right in the middle of the room and both men are starting at it awkwardly.

Yenay says in a strict motherly tone, "I suggest young masters to use it without delay. If I am to introduce you to the others as respected members of the Nie clan, I need both of you to look presentable"

Lan Zhan is the first to speak. He hesitantly says, "Madam, I will change into formal clothing. That should be sufficient. It's enough if Wei Ying takes a bath."

"Hanguang Jun, handsome as you are, you will still have to take a bath. Your cloths yesterday were bloodstained. I am sure there are stains all over your body as well. And I can't explain it to the others if our sect cloths get stains because of that. So please take a bath." she finishes like she won't here anything else about the matter.

Wei Ying speaks then, "Aunty,  can we at least have two tubs?" and throws an innocent smile at Yenay.
Yenay's heart almost melts, but she knows what she is doing is the right thing so she strictly says , "No. Now do as I have told."
And then she is gone.

"Lan Zhan, I am sorry. I don't know why Aunty is being so difficult." Wei Ying says and adds, "Ok, I know what we can do. You take bath first and then I will."

"No. Let's get in together. The wound on your stomach is almost healed. The water won't make it worse. But just in case, I will put a protection charm on it." Lan Zhan says and turns away from Wei Ying and takes off his shirt and the trouser. Without making eye contact he gets into the tub.

Wei Ying gathers all his courage and follows Lan Zhan's actions.
Once he is rid of his clothing and standing only in his underwear Lan Zhan puts his hand on his friend's waist and puts a charm on the wound. It looks like a clear film on Wei Ying's wound.
Once the charm is in effect Wei Ying gets in the tub ,next to his friend.

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