Bath Interrupted

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{Note :- Mature content ahead. I will mark it with A/N at the start and end in case anyone wants to skip it}


"Clan Leader Cheng, do you know Wei Wuxian's whereabouts?" Meng Yao asks Jiang Cheng giving him his full attention.

"Clan leader, you just asked to search Cloud reassess but you said nothing about searching Lotus Cove, may I know why that is?" Jiang Cheng asks with an attitude.

"It is obvious isn't it, Lan Wangji will want to take Yiling patriarch there to recuperate. Cloud reassess has the best healing music of all the four major clans." Meng Yao asks plastering a fake smile on his face.

Jiang Cheng says in his usual irritated tone, "I think you should send your people to Yunmeng instead. Wei Wuxian thinks of Lotus Cove as his home. He will most likely come there. Lan Wangji is by his side. So you must send somemore people to Lotus Cove as well."

Lan XiChen tries to interrupt their conversation. He starts to say in a soothing voice , "Jiang Cheng, Wangji will... "

Jiang Cheng stops him by putting his hand up. He looks Lan XiChen in the eyes and scoffs, and says,  "Pardon me Clan Leader Lan, but I don't think I need your inputs on this matter. Also I don't think you have any right to interfere. I am not asking for any help or advice from your sect. "

Lan XiChen's face falls. Jiang Cheng notices and adds, "Sorry." as an afterthought.
Afterall it's not the older Lan's fault that his younger brother stole Wei Wuxian from him.

Lan XiChen gives a courteous smile.

"Clan leader Cheng, if I may ask.. How do you feel about Yiling Patriarch?" Meng Yao asks matter-of-factly.

"Have I not made myself clear on how how I feel about that jerk?" Jiang Cheng asks rhetorically, his temper rising.

"So you are aware that we all know how much you hate him. And I am sure he knows as well. So Clan Leader it will be a waste of resources to send people to Yunmeng or Lotus Cove. We don't have enough people as it is. Yiling Patriarch is dangerous and holds a grudge. He was stabbed by Jin Ling. There is a good chance he may attack Lanling. Sending my people to Qinghe Nie sect would be more productive since Nie Huaisang and the Yiling patriarch were friends once. There is no way he will even think of stepping foot in your area. Even he knows how much you hate his guts. You torture people who even remotely display similar tricks as him. Yiling patriarch is many things... But he is not stupid. " Meng Yao says with an air of superiority.

Jiang Cheng sighs and says giving up, "So I take it you are not will to send your men to Yunmeng?"

Before Meng Yao answers Lan XiChen says in a gentle soothing voice, "Jiang Cheng , if you think you need more people patrolling Yunmeng, I can send... "

Jiang Cheng raises his hand once again to stop the older Lan and says in a bitter tone, "Yunmeng will not accept any help from Lan Clan....for personal reasons. So Clan leader Lan... please don't offer your help."

With this Jiang Cheng gets up. He bows to the two Zuns.

He addresses Meng Yao in formal tone, "I hope Clan Leader Yao will allow me to stay here a few more days. Jin Ling has suffered an emotional blow. I would like to keep him company.."
Meng Yao answers him with a nod and Jiang Cheng leaves.

Once he walks out of the room, he stops and looks at Sando in his hand. He smiles and walks away.

*Lotus Cove*
*Wei Ying's room*

"Wei Ying.... Behave!"

Thinking that Lan Zhan is trying to get out of the tub Wei Ying hugs him from behind.
Shivers run through Lan Zhan's body.
He feels like places where his body is directly in contact with Wei Ying's ,is buzzing with energy.

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