Once Lost, Now Found

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*Inside the tunnel*

Wei Ying falls silent when they near the exit of the tunnel.
Lan Zhan falls back, letting Wei Ying take the lead.

Due to years of disuse, the tunnel has fallen into ruins. The walls are donned by jagged edges.
Wei Ying motions Lan Zhan to place a silencing charm around them.

Lan Zhan nods signalling that the charm is in effect.

"Lan Zhan, on the other side of this trap door, is my jingshin." Wei Ying says, peeping through the crack in the door.

"No one is here." Wei Ying informs, "Looks like setting foot in my private space, still scares Meng Yao's men." Wei Ying chuckles, and Lan Zhan can't help but smile.

'They are not the only ones scared of entering your jingshin, Wei Ya.. ' Lan Zhan thinks, recalling the past. A small smile graces the light bearer's face. Wei Ying misses it.

"Lan Zhan, let's go." The younger says, and chants a spell that dissolves the door.
The two men cross the threshold and enter into Wei Ying's old jingshin.

"Welcome, Lan Zhan." He says, and excitedly hops towards his husband.

"Hanguang Jun, under better circumstances, I would have asked you to fu.... I mean make love to me right here." Wei Ying says, looking coyly at the light bearer.

"Wei Ying, who is to say that we can't do it now?" Lan Zhan whispers in Wei Ying's ears before placing a kiss on the younger's cheek.

This effectively shuts Wei Ying up and the two starts looking around the jingshin for any signs of entry.

Lan Zhan shows the boundary of the silencing charm to Wei Ying.

"Lan Zhan, can you manipulate the spell to work according to our position." Wei Ying asks.

Lan Zhan nods and chants something under his breath.

"We will have to stick closer, so our boundaries overlap, so we can hear each other but no one can hear us." The light bearer informs.

Wei Ying nods and is about to say something when they hear someone wince.

'A Yuan!' Lan Zhan realizes and follows the sound of the young boy's voice. Wei Ying follows without a second thought. He notices how distressed his husband is looking.

"Lan Zhan, what is the matter?"

"A Yu... SiZhui is in trouble." Lan Zhan says, quickening his pace.

Wei Ying follows closely.

'I have never seen Lan Zhan loose his composure like this. What makes SiZhui so special?' Wei Ying wonders.

Soon the two are almost at the main hall door.

Lan Zhan crouches down next to the closed doors and peeps through the crack.
Wei Ying joins him.

The two witness everything.

Lan Zhan's hand lands on Bichen, "How dare he treat him like this!" Lan Zhan exclaims, when Su She throws alcohol on the young boy's face.

"Lan Zhan, control yourself. We can't afford to blow our cover yet!" Wei Ying says, holding light bearer back from attacking Su She.

Lan Zhan tries to calm himself down. But once again almost looses control when SiZhui starts crying.

"I am here, A Yuan." Lan Zhan mutters under his breath, and tears roll down his cheek.

Wei Ying frowns, 'Why does he care for that boy so much....was Lan Zhan... No, SiZhui is a child... Lan Zhan promised that he has only ever loved me... But then, what is so special about this boy?'

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