"It's been fine. I've made some really nice friends," I said.

"Oh really? You haven't been flirting with any boys, have you?"

"W-What?" I asked, my face heating up since my thoughts went straight to the grey wolf.

"Ya know, Hinata has been sending me small reports of you. You always have had your secrets from me when it comes to what you do. So who's this Legoshi boy?" My dad questioned me.

"Hinata told you about Legoshi?!" I panicked.

"Yep!" My dad said.

"I haven't even told him about Legoshi!"

"Oh, Hinata told me that Legoshi told him. After all, they are sharing a dorm room."

'Why didn't they tell me they were sharing a dorm room with Legoshi?!'

"I-I was planning on telling you..." I muttered loud enough for him to hear.

"Your turning more into your mother each day," he said. "You know, when I first met you mother, we were secretly dating. I didn't want to tell my dad cause he was putting me into a arranged marriage. But when he found out about us, he called the marriage off."

"Really? Why didn't you tell me this before?"

"Never really crosses my mind. But I want you to be happy," he said.

"Are you only saying that cause Legoshi is also a wolf and not a different animal?"

"Maybe. But if you were dating like a cat then I would have a problem."

"So your fine with me being with Legoshi?" I asked.

"As long as you two don't do anything bad, it's ok," I let out a sigh of relief. "However, is this Legoshi guy breaks your heart I'm going to personally find him and kick his ass."

"You don't have to do that," I sweatdropped. "But thanks."

"Ok, well I have to go to a meeting about tomorrow. I'll see you tomorrow, I love you, Pup."

"Love you too, dad."

After I said that, the phone call was over. I'm happy that dad is letting me stay with Legoshi, but it sucks that I can't go to the play tomorrow. I'll have to tell Louis somehow and tell him I can't make it.

"(Y/N)~! Wake up, sleepyhead!" Someone said while shaking my shoulder a little.

"Five more minutes," I mumbled sleepily, rolling over.

"No can do! Today's the show and you need to get ready," the animal said before grabbing my arm and dragging me out of my bed and onto the floor. I opened my eyes and was face to face with the animal that woke me up.

"About that, I can't go to the show," I said to Haruhi.

"Huh?! Why not?"

I sat up and rubbed my eyes a little. "There's something I need to take care of concerning my family."

"Ooo, are you gonna go kick someone's butt? Or maybe go to a drug dealer and blow up his business and take all his money?" Haruhi asked, excitement in her eyes.

"You have the weirdest imagination," I sighed a little.

"Haruhi, what ever is going on with (Y/N) and her personal life doesn't mean you need to know," Kara stepped in. "Oh, and good morning, (Y/N)."

"Morning, Kara," I said, getting up. "I'm gonna be gone for a day or two depending if I can get what I need to do done fast enough."

"Does Louis know you won't be attending the show?" Kara asked.

"No but the headmaster does. I was gonna tell Louis before I leave but I'm not sure where he is gonna be."

"Hm, well I'll be glad to pass the message. After all, I need to go drop some supplies off at the auditorium that the art club made for the show," Kara said.

"Wait, since when were you in the art club?!" Haruhi asked.

"I'm not, I owed someone in the art club a favor so she asked if I can help deliver some items," Kara quickly explained.

"Oh, makes sense," Haruhi said.

"Thanks, Kara, if you can tell Louis I won't be there that would be great," I smiled at her. She nodded and went back to what she originally was doing.

I decided to get ready so I can be ready for when Lee gets here. I do feel a little guilty leaving but I don't have a choice. I grabbed a sweater and a pair of leggings from the dresser and quickly got dressed. If what my dad said is true and Shishigumi was going to attack, I'll change into better clothes when I get home. I grabbed my brush and brushed out my fur a little, mainly trying to get my tail brushed out to make it a little bit more fluffy than it was. I did everything else I needed to do and I texted Asahi.

A: Asahi
Y: You

Y: hey, did you get a notification from my dad?
A: yea, Lee is coming to get us, right?
Y: yep. R u ready to head to the gate??
A: I'm still trying to get Hinata out of bed 😑
Y: tell him that if he doesn't get up then I'll come and get him out of bed myself
A: ok he's up now
A: give us likeee 10 minutes and we'll be down
Y: ok see ya then
A: see ya cutie 😘
Y: shut up 😂

I put my phone in my pocket and went to put my shoes on. Once I got them on I opened the door.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow," I said.

"Ok, be careful," Kara said. I nodded and left the room.

Today's the day. The day we can hopefully end this fight with Shishigumi for good.

A Wolf's Howl (Legoshi X Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora