Venomous x Reader: Venomous Noir

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Professor Venomous became the owner of Boxmore and Lord Boxman's partner in business and crime. How did this happen? He became the richest villain of all villains. Let's just say he blackmailed the Congress for technos.

Right now, he and Lord Boxman were invited by a villain named Big Boss, a villain who lived a noir life as a mafia crime boss. The two headed to a 194X's-inspired night club owned by Big Boss himself. That's his cover as mangager and owner of his own night club, Noir 201X.

He and his half-cyborg half-human partner had a private chat with Big Boss. Big Boss heard that Boxmore had processing glorbs, and wanted to help Professor Venomous and Boxman to gather more glorbs by smuggling them. Big Boss had many ways to steal glorbs without getting caught from the cops especially POINT.

"So how about it?" Big Boss said.

Venomous, wearing a formal suit for his business meeting, began to speak with Big Boss.

"Yes, we should do that with your help. Lord Boxman here has a glorb-processing plant at Boxmore and his robots need glorbs," he explained.

"Well, that's good to hear. All villains want some glorbs. They're very addicting if you can say that." Big Boss explained.

"Of course, not to mention, I developed a special collar, only used with glorbs, for my organic minion."

"If we help you get the stuffs for you, how about you give us somethin' in return?" suggested Big Boss.

Then all of the sudden, a little member of Big Boss' mafia said, "Oh, oh! I know! How about some lightning nachos for everyone?"

Then Big Boss then bonked the ignorant fool on the head.

"Sorry, Big Bro Boss." he apologized, rubbing his head.

"You forgot to know that these nachos with blue cheese is from the Lakewood Plaza Turbo," he glared down at the man with a brown bowl-style hair. "Did I mention that I'm allegric to cheese?"

"Sorry, Big Bro Boss sir! Forgive me, Big Bro Boss sir!" the said person apologized hastily.

"Please forgive my younger brother, Vice Boss. He has an constant habit on deciding what kind of reward that is not related to crime affairs such as this," explained Big Boss. "Not to mention he didn't know that Lakewood Plaza Turbo is a rival to your company Boxmore."

Of course, Lord Boxman was an owner of Boxmore. Boxman always wanted to destroy Lakewood Plaza Turbo owned by Mr. Gar with his robots, but he failed to do so because of Mr. Gar's three employees kicked their butts. That was before Lord Boxman was fired by his investors and was replaced by his robot son Darell, who was formerly known as Lord Cowboy Darell. Because the half-human, half-cyborg was with Professor Venomous, the evil professor in purple bought Boxmore and gave Lord Boxman his job back as owner of his own company.

Right now, Lord Boxmore quietly grumbled, crossing his arms, to find out that Big Boss' second brother liked the lightning nachos from Mr. Gar's Hero Supply & Bodega.

"Anyway, we got the glorbs and we will show you after we diccuss the reward in return," the leader of the mafia group said as he stood up from his chair and headed to the VIP table. "Take a seat. The show is about to start soon."

"Oh, you're so gonna love tonight's show!" said Vice Boss.

"What are we watching?" asked Lord Boxman.

"We've a beautiful singer with an alluring voice!"

"A singer?"

"Yes, her name's Violet. She's been working here for a month. Not to mention our male patrons couldn't cover their earholes from listening to the voice of a siren," explained Big Boss, sitting down on his seat at the VIP table which was standing in the center around all the regular tables. "And Vice Boss here is unfortunately one of her victims."

"Hey, I'm not a victim. I'm her bestest fan of all!" exclaimed the brunet.

Lord Boxman was very curious of this Violet they're talking about. Professor Venomous, however, may or may not be interested or either intrigued of this woman. Of course, he's single yet he was a father figure to his organic minion Fink. Who knows. Guess he had to find out the alluring nightclub songstress named Violet.

The the show had started when someone announced, "Ladies and gentleman, please welcome the lovely and beautiful... Violet."

Then Violet had finally appeared before her audience when the curtains were risen up. She wore the sequined strapless purple dress with matching long gloves, purple stiletto heels, and amethyst earrings including the purple choker around her neck. She had (e/c) eyes and (h/c) (h/l) hair tied in a chignon.

She was walking to the center of the stage. Behind her was a piantist sitting at his black grand piano.

Then the pianist first played his piano at the beginning of the song. Violet then scatted in sync with the piano melody before she sang, "Don't be that way, fall apart twice a day... I just wish you could feel, what you say... Show, never tell. But I know you too well. Kind of mood that you wish you could sell..."

Vice Boss had his elbows placed on the table, cupping his hands under his face. His eyes turned into shapes of a heart. He sighed in fawn as he listened to Violet's singing. Lord Boxman was speechless as he stared at her with his mouth agape. Big Boss was the only one who didn't react, yet he watched and listened.

"If teardrops could be bottled, there'd be swimming pools filled by models, told a plain dress is what makes you so dull."

"What a woman..." muttered Lord Boxman.

"Right?" agreed Vice Boss.

Then Violet then caught the eyes of Professor Venomous, staring at him as she continued the chorus, "If "I love you" was a promise, would you break it, if you're honest? Tell the mirror what you know she's heard before... I don't wanna be you, anymore..."

Professor Venomous stared at Violet as if he knew that there was something familiar about her. It was as if he was reminded of someone. He clenched his hand and recognized a familiar choker around Violet's neck.

Violet wrapped her arms around her singing, "Hands getting cold, losing feeling getting old. Was I made from a broken mold? Hurt, I can't shake we've made every mistake only you know the way that I break."

Professor Venomous didn't look away, narrowing his eyes on Violet. He had a feeling that he met her before. Violet then noticed him looking at her, not taking his eyes away from her. She gave him an alluring smile. She sang while staring at that purple-skinned man.

"If teardrops could be bottled, there'd be swimming pools filled by models, told a plain dress is what makes you so dull.' If "I love you" was a promise, would you break it, if you're honest? Tell the mirror what you know she's heard before... I don't wanna be you... I don't wanna be you."

She looked familiar to him, but Venomous himself wasn't sure who this woman reminded him of.

"I don't wanna be you..." then she finished as she kept her (e/c) eyes on Professor Venomous the whole time, "anymore."

The song had ended. The crowd went wild, men gave outstanding applause, hoots, whistles and hollers. She gave a bow. When she did, the curtain raised down as the cheers and applause were still heard.

Professor Venomous and Lord Boxman spoke with Big Boss about something in return if Big Boss is willing to help them collect the glorbs for them.

Lord Boxman suggested giving some his robots from his company to Big Boss. The leader of the mafia rubbed his chin and wondered if it's okay to use the robots as waiters or a bouncer, something like that for his nightclub.

Vice Boss complained as if the robots were trying to steal the club employees' jobs away. Big Boss told his younger brother that he might replace him with a better robot. Vice Boss quickly begged his older brother not to do so, sitting on his knees and clasping his hands for forgiveness while apologizing.

And so, Big Boss accepted receiving the robots from Boxmore in order to help the said company to gather special glowing orbs.

Then Big Boss promised Boxman and Professor Venomous to show them the stuffs around midnight. To spare some time, Vice Boss asked them about Violet's outstanding performance. Professor Venomous didn't make a comment as he was thinking something else.

Vice Boss presented himself as the leader of Violet's fanclub and showed the merchandise he got and sold them to her fans. T-shirts, CD albums, and mostly POW cards indicating that Violet is a villainess with a level -7.

Violet is a mysterious villain with an alluring voice to put men under her spell. She was known as the Lady in Violet.

Professor Venomous had a feeling that this Violet is wearing a familiar accessory around her neck. He narrowed his eyes as he stared at the POW card indicating Violet in her purple dress in his hand.

He had a bad feeling that Violet was actually someone else. Why? He never forget the same accessory about her neck. That choker was the one he gave her at the Vilains' Ball after he caught a heroine from POINT. He held the heroine as prisoner, preventing her from escaping with the help from her spy gadgets which he confiscated. When the incident at th Villains' Ball had occurred, she escaped from Venomous with her comrades who were on a mission relating to Billiam Milliam.

That's not his first time he recognized the choker on Violet's neck just now. He even confronted the heroine when he was at a night club with Lord Boxman being invited by Disco King a while back. And this here is the second time he saw this very accessory. There's no doubt about it. Violet is someone he knows that no one knows or expects who she is either.

Then he, holding a glass of champange in his other hand, looked up to see the mentioned woman dressed in purple, much to his shock. As he stared at someone who disguised as Violet, he dropped his champange. The glass shattered to the floor. She walked towards him with elegant steps.

It turns out that Violet was an alias and Professor Venomous secretly knew it was actually you, undercover as a singer. He noticed a charming smile on your lips. Of course he already had seen you in disguise before. No wonder you're really known as Stealth Mode just because you're a spy heroine.

Your mission was to find out about Big Boss's glorbs smuggling and make an attempt to take back the glorbs from him. Of course, your undercover was a nightclub singer and your voice made those mens who worked for Big Boss and the male patrons fall under your spell.

You've been a club singer for a month, and you were told that Professor Venomous and his partner Lord Boxman were the important guests.

"Long time no see... Venny darling." you greeted as you went close to him, giving him a kiss on his cheek.

"Please do not call me that, it's Professor Venomous." he replied, glaring at you and pushing you away from him.

Then Lord Boxman came towards you two after witnessing what had just happened. "You know her?" he asked.

Professor Venomous sighed and he reluctantly introduced Lord Boxman to you, "Unfortunately, yes. She's my..." He became hesitant at first when he took a glance at you, silently alarmed of your presence. But nonetheless, he finished, " ex."

Lord Boxman gasped as he exclaimed, "Your ex?! As in, ex-girlfriend?!?!"

With the CEO of Boxmore's outburst, Big Boss and the mafia goons stared at you three. Your "fanclub" and Vice Boss also heard it as well. Big Boss then confronted his honored guests.

"Boxman..." growled Venomous, as he glared at him for the outburst.

"I see you met Ms. Violet before. I'm not a curious type but do tell me your former relationship with our club singer." said Big Boss.

Professor Venomous silently groaned, displeased. With no choice he got, he began to explain how did he first met you as "Violet", "It's all started at the airport. I accidentally bumped into her and she'd been head over heels for love at first sight since then."

You secretly chuckled as you realized that Venomous actually mentioned your fake first meeting with him just like when you told Billiam the same thing at the Villains' Ball.

Vice Boss began to feel jealous to find out Violet's relationship with Professor Venomous.

"I can't believe Violet had a relationship with Professor Venomous!" he was holding a hankchief, biting it as if he was like an envious schoolgirl. "No fair!"

"Ex-girlfriend or not, I couldn't stop thinking of you," you stated. "Especially you're the richest villain of all. And trust me, unless you're thinking I'm a gold digger, I'm not after your technos, Venny darling."

You gave Venomous a wink, much to his dismay.

"Venny darling?" replied Lord Boxman, glancing at his business partner in crime.

"How many times do you have to call me that? It's Professor Venomous." he repeated as he narrowed his eyes in discomfort, crossing his arms.

"Whatever you say, Venny darling." you gave him a teasing smile.

He groaned as he couldn't bear hearing you calling him that. You couldn't help pushing his buttons after Venomous recognized you because of your special accessory you're wearing around your neck. After all, it's his fault for giving you such a gift in the first place.

Then Vice Boss confronted Venomous and exclaimed, "There's no way that Professor Venomous is Ms. Violet's ex-boyfriend! If he really is one, then prove me that you're really her ex!"

"I hate to inform you, Mr. Vice Boss, but I have proof that I'm really his ex-lover." you pointed your finger at your choker. "He gave it to me when I went to Billiam Milliam's Villains Ball with him."

Then, Vice Boss began to feel heart-broken as he said, "If anyone needs me... I'll be in my office."

He sobbed so loud as he rushed to his office to cry all by himself.

"I hope I didn't mean to hurt his feelings." you stared at where Vice Boss just went.

"I can see that he's really your biggest admirer..." stated the purple-skinned professor.

The band began playing slow jazz music.

"Why don't you lovebirds have a nice dance?" suggested Big Boss. "I mean ex-lovebirds."

With his suggestion, you and Professor Venomous entered the dance floor. He held your right hand in his while his free other hand placed on your waist. You followed his lead as you both swayed and danced around the dance floor.

"All right, what are you up to, Stealth Mode?" whispered Professor Mode.

"Now you're calling me by my heroine name?" you chuckled.

He growled, "Enough of your smart games."

"My, my. Impatient, are we? But I'm afraid I can't tell you my motives, it's classified."

Venomous didn't have to try and question your motives by force. He knew that you came here to stop Big Boss and make an attempt to snatch those glorbs from him. That's your mission. In fact, POINT must have give you a top secret mission to steal the glorbs from Big Boss.

Then he sensed intense stares from Big Boss's minions including Vice Boss. He secretly knew that they were glaring at him. Of course men were jealous of him, a guest of honor, dancing with the club singer Violet, the woman who isn't a real woman.

Then he dipped you and stared at the accessory around your neck.

"You're still wearing that... Why?" he brought up the topic about the necklace he bought it for you back then.

"Because it's a gift from you, there's no way I won't get rid of it even though you gave it to me while I pretended to be your "sweetheart"." you winked at him, much to his dismay.

Venomous frowned upon receiving your reason why you're wearing that purple gem choker. He pulled you upright and you both danced until the music ended. You smiled alluring and said, "I'm glad I got the chance to speak with you, Venny Darling."

You then gave another kiss on the cheek, much to the professor's utterly irritation, before leaving the dance floor and headed to your dressing room. Once you're in the hallway, you secretly commenced your operation to take the glorbs from Big Boss.

Thanks to Big Boss, you were told about the whereabouts of the glorbs. You only had an hour and thirty minutes til midnight, probably giving you a chance to take all of the glorbs. You met with the two men wearing suits. They were actually working for you because they disguised as Big Boss' henchmen. They were the troopers working for Foxtail. You told them the whereabouts of the glorbs.

They helped you gathering the glorbs once you three arrived at one of the secret basements of the nightclub. After taking all of the glowing balls, you set the explosives on some parts. You exited the nightclub with your allies.

Just when it was midnight, you watched the monitor from the secruity camera one of the troopers just hacked. You watched Big Boss speaking with Professor Venomous and Lord Boxman.

Then one of Big Boss's minions shouted, "Big Boss, sir! We have a problem!"

"What?" the mafia boss replied, glaring at his puny minion.

"The glorbs... They're--"

You pressed the button of the handheld button detonator, witnessing the explosion of the Noir 201X. The club was on fire. Profesor Venomous, Lord Boxman, Big Boss, Vice Boss, and his goons survived as they quickly exited the soon collasping nightclub.

You spoke to the troop, "We're done here."

Just when you looked back at Professor Venomous and Lord Boxman, you gave yourself a secret smile before leaving.

Big Boss tried to find out who on Earth was responsible for stealing the glorbs and destroying his nightclub.

That's when Professor Venomous spoke to the mafia boss and Lord Boxman about "Violet".

Vice Boss was shocked to find out that "Violet" was nowhere to be seen.

Professor Venomous explained, "She's not Violet, and I'm sure that she already got away with the stolen glorbs from you. To think that she wrapped you and your men around her finger, you made a careless mistake." Then Professor Venomous showed the mobster the POW card of "Violet". Then the POW Card suddenly changed, revealing you as Stealth Mode, a spy agent heroine who worked for POINT.

"If you please excuse us... Boxman and I are leaving. Now."

Professor Venomous left with Boxman quickly joined him after surviving the unexpected explosive incident at Noir 201X.

"I can't believe we've been had by an undercover female spy... Even though she's a mysterious woman..." Big Boss lowered his head as he sighed as he accepted the failure of the glorbs.

"Do you think we can request the glorb dealer to help us again?" Vice Boss asked his older brother.

"I may be doutbful about receiving the second chance from him, but we will see about that..." Big Boss became concerned.

Professor Venomous and Lord Boxman returned to Boxmore after the failed important event with Big Boss due to the stolen glorbs taken by you and the POINT troops.

Lord Boxman glanced at his partner in crime and asked, "Soooo... I didn't know that woman you were dancing with is actually working for POINT. Although she's a hero, but she's kinda pretty and I'm kinda jealous that she really does have a crush on you, to be honest."

Professor Venomous then gave a hiss and a death glare at Lord Boxman. Boxman quivered in fear with a yelp as he backed away a little.

"Uh... is this a bad time talking about that?" he sheepishly chuckled.

Professor Venomous groaned as he pinched at the bridge of his nose and said, "I'm going to bed..."

Before he headed to his bedroom and looked back at Lord Boxman as he threatened, "If you tell anyone about me dancing with Stealth Mode, I swear that I will send you straight to the sun!"

Cringed, Lord Boxman stood up straight and said, "Duly noted! I won't tell anyone, promise!"

"Good..." Professor Venomous then headed to his bedroom, recalling his reluctant dance with you at the nightclub. This isn't his first time dancing with you. It was his third dance.

You could say "third time's the charm" dance.



Author's Notes

Song References

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