Venomous x Reader: Dance Dance Forbidden Love 4

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Read the tango scene with this song  


Just when the midnight tango was about to start, Disco Prince found out what happened to his statue from his bodyguards.

"What?! Someone graffitied my statue!?" the host became shocked and ordered his guards, "Bring your boys and find who's responsible for that!"

Meanwhile, Ed noticed this from the security room. She knew that they can't fail this mission.

"You ready, Jeanne?" the hacker spoke with the others.

"Ready!" said Jeanne, who was with Aliya in a crowd.

"Okay. Looks like your graffiti distraction did the trick. Time to start phase 2. (Y/n) will take Disco Prince's attention along with the others' during her tango, you handle the brainwashing disco ball. Don't forget to wear sunglasses. We don't want you get brainwashed by that."

"No worries. I'm already wearing one." Jeanne reassured as she wore a black sunglasses.

Then, Disco Prince announced to the college students and introduced the guest of honor Professor Venomous and you as his dance partner.

"Feeling nervous?" you whispered.

"Does this look nervous to you?" he asked, glancing at you with unamused look on your face.

You giggled, "Please, don't be so unamused. You're the guest of honor and everyone will be watching you dance with me any minute now."

"Hmph, what about your plan to steal that disco ball?" he whispered.

"Sorry, Venny darling. My lips are sealed. And besides, why spoil the surprise?" you replied.

You and Venomous entered the dance floor. As you two were on the center, the spotlight appeared hovering over you and your dance partner.

He placed his hand on your waist as he held his other to yours.

The music began. The sound of tango with neo remix was heard. The dance had finally begun. Despite this was your mission, you couldn't help but feeling delighted to have a second dance. In the meantime, you finally managed to keep the audience distracted, taking their eyes on you and your evil dashing dance partner.

You took a sneak glance as you noticed Aliya and Jeanne finally managed to get their hands on the brainwashing disco ball. You quietly smirked as you continued to keep distracting the Disco Prince and the manipulated college students.

Then, after you made a twirl, you noticed something different during your tango. You felt dark caresses, although carefully thought out and steady, giving you the impression while following their own path over your delicate skin. You blushed while his hands ran over your whole body to the beat of the music. Venomous' touches gave you intoxicating chills that you never felt before. One of them went all the way up to your spine as his hand slid down your thigh with a dark poisoned sensuality. It made you want to melt into his arms. You knew that you're feeling hopelessly drawn to Professor Venomous since you first encountered him.

You don't care if P.O.I.N.T. finds out about your forbidden relationship with an evil villain in purple. For now, all you wanted was to have this very night to remember; a special dance with your villainous crush.

The audience continued to watch you dance with your partner. They were under your spell, not noticing the disco ball about to be stolen. As the climax appeared, you finished your tango with a dip, with your leg wrapped around his, by the time the song was finished. The crowd went wild as they cheered and applauded.

You gave them a bow after your tango. Professor Venomous noticed the brainwashing disco ball was finally stolen by Aliya and Jeanne.

"So now what?" he whispered.

You turned around to see the junction box on the wall and smiled.

"You'll see." you replied.

You looked up to see Disco Prince and gave a smirk, much to the disco-themed supervillain's confusion, before reaching underneath your dress and pulling out a small pistol you had strapped to you thigh. You turned around and shot the box, making the lights go out for the whole building.

The crowd went confused as they couldn't see in the dark.

You then knocked Professor Venomous unconscious as you whispered, "Sorry, Venny Darling. Had to put you to sleep for now."

You then had Jeanne summon a getway van and took the unconscious Professor Venomous and Lord Boxman, who was in a burlap sack while strugging to make his escape. With the disco ball stolen and the two villains captured, you all made your escape from the Disco Prince.

Then the Disco Prince had his guards turn on the backup power and found out that the brainwashing disco ball had been stolen, much to his dismay. What's worse for him was that his night club was invaded by members of P.O.I.N.T. led by Foxtail. Disco Prince was arrested and the kidnapped brainwashed students were placed in custody until they're officially back to normal.

On the other hand...

The man in purple woke up to find himself in his own bedroom. He didn't know how did he end up here at his home residence. Last thing he remembered was having a dance with his young worst enemy. You, of course. Until he was knocked out unconscious.

Fink was relieved to see her boss feeling better. She told Venomous about how Fink found him unconscious at the door and brought him to his bedroom. He began to realize something. What about Lord Boxman? Then Professor Venomous received a phone call from Lord Boxman. Lord Boxman explained what happened. When the lights at Disco Prince's nightclub were shut down, Lord Boxman felt someone restraining him from behind and had him inside a burlap sack.

And when he came to his senses, Lord Boxman found himself at his own company, Boxmore. Also, Lord Boxman urged Venomous to turn on the tv to see the news. Disco Prince was arrested and the the captured college students were rescued by POINT.

Professor Venomous began to realize what was going on. You and your associates from P.O.I.N.T. captured him and Lord Boxman and escaped from Disco Prince after stealing the disco ball before he ended up in his own home residence.

He ended up slumping on his bed and groaned. He began to reluctantly recall the tango dance. How he interact with you. Those dark caresses he made. He didn't know why he did this. And now he loathed knowing that he had danced with the worst enemy he ever met.

"That inane spy. Why did she help me and Boxman escape from getting caught?" he asked to himself. He sighed.

Venomous laid against his purple mattress and stared at the ceiling.

"Someday, if I ever see that seductive spy heroine again, I swear..." he muttered as he couldn't stopping thinking of you.

There was no way that Professor Venomous might try to get rid of you from getting so flirty and kittenish toward him. After all, you may escape once more if he ever tries to destroy you as well.


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