Venomous x Reader: Dance Dance Forbidden Love 3

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While you were waiting outside the VIP room, Disco Prince entered inside to inform Professor Venomous about the special performance at midnight. They were sitting opposite of the crimson red sofas.

"A tango?" said Professor Venomous, raising his brow in question.

"That's right. Besides, you're the guest of honor. And what's wrong with having a tango?" replied Disco Prince.

"Sorry, but I'm not interested." the purple-skinned villain bluntly refused.

"As if you have a choice. I can't keep the gal waiting outside right now."

"Wait, what?"

"How to put this? You see I've chosen a dance partner for you tonight," the disco host explained. "And I noticed you having your eyes on her a while back. So I decided to invite her to participate this very special midnight event."

Professor Venomous wasn't impressed as he couldn't believe Disco Prince chose a dance partner, but who that is. Lord Boxman, on the other hand, listened to their conversation and was now surprised that Professor Venomous was so lucky to have a special dance.

"Hey, wait a minute. How come Professor Venomous is the only one having this dance? What about me?" the lord of Boxmore asked.

Disco Prince narrowed his eyes as if he was not so interested on finding a dance partner for Lord Boxman.

"I got two reasons, Lord B-man. One, your dancing is... how you say... awful. And two, you're not the guest of honor. You're just his plus-one," Disco Prince explained to the dismayed Lord Boxman. "Let's get this straight to the point. I already have her all dressed up for this special tango."

He then turned at the door and called, "You can come in now."

As he did, the door was opened, someone entered inside. She wore a purple satin cocktail dress with a ribbon around the waist and matching high-heeled pumps. The only thing Venomous shockly recognized was the choker with a purple gem.

His eyebrow was twitching as he couldn't believe his eyes. Lord Boxman was speechless as he dropped his jaw literally, staring at you. Disco Prince then dragged Lord Boxman as he began to leave.

"I'll leave you two alone to get yourselves acquainted. But remember, you got thirty minutes before the tango starts."

And so both Disco Prince and Lord Boxman left, leaving you and Professor Venomous in the VIP room. You smiled at Professor Venomous, who was not pleased with your presence.

"Like what you see?" you asked with a smile as you tilted your head to your right.

Professor Venomous didn't answer as he narrowed his eyes, examining your purple-colored dress. He gave a blank look on his face.

Instead of giving you his answer, he asked you, "What are you doing here, Stealth Mode?"

You were still smiling at Professor Venomous and walked towards the lounge and sat besides him.

"Don't know if I want to tell you, but... it's classified." you answered.

He glared at you and grunted in dismay.

"Although... I might as well tell you about my mission."

Professor Venomous was unsure if you might tell him about your mission. He then stared at the security camera in this very room.

"Don't worry about the security cameras, Venny darling. Ed already took control the security room," you reassured.

"Then are you sure you're going to tell me about your mission? You said it's classified," Venomous stated.

"I know, but I didn't expect you of all villains are involved with Disco Prince. I'm not sure if I want to take you down and have you and Disco Prince arrested by my superiors."

"Then get to the point."

"Okay, okay. Don't be so impatient, Venny darling. We still got time." You smiled at Venomous as your crosed your legs.

He still glared at you.

"You see, I'm incognito and those patrons who are having a fun time aren't actually patrons," you explained. "They're kidnapped college students."

"What are you saying?"

"P.O.I.N.T. wants me and my teammates to investigate the college students' disappearance. And we found out Disco Prince who's responsible with the kidnapping. Not only that he and his goons captured them, they have a special disco ball that can only brainwash the victims, preventing them from leaving the night club."

Professor Venomous stared at the disco ball from the window and then moved his sight on the brainwashing kidnapped college students.

"I assume you are going to steal the disco ball?" he inquired.


The purple-skinned villain stared at you blankly.

You stood up from the sofa and let him know that you'll be at the ladies' restroom and told him that it won't be long. After you left, Venomous began to recall the first time he met you.

The day where you infiltrated his labortory. He didn't know you were sneaking inside his lab until he noticed the intruder alert and found out that someone was trying to steal his evil plans from the computer lab. He and Fink went to the computer lab to find you unconscious. He knelt down and checked on the intruder. He noticed the intruder was actually a female. The question was why would a female infiltrator sneak inside the computer lab. That was until Fink found something from your pocket, the USB flash drive.

Venomous took the flash drive from Fink and examined it as he realized that you was attempting the steal his evil informations. But for who that is. He decided to find out about you as he carried you in his arms for finding out about you. He made researches on you and found out that you're Stealth Mode and your real name is (Y/n) (L/n). What's more was you're the member of POINT.

After finding information on you, the question was what to do with you. Knowing that he couldn't let you escape, he decided to imprison you inside the confinement room. He even gave you a warning about escaping. At first, you refused to eat the meals you were given from him. Not to mention you dared Professor Venomous himself to eat the cookie which you formerly claimed that he poisoned them.

After remembering his first encounter, he knew that you were toying with him, wrapping him around your finger. Professor Venomous knew that you were just a heroine, member of the hero organization POINT, the worst enemy of all villains including himself.

But for now, he decided to see how you and your teammates stop Disco Prince and set the kidnapped students free from the likes of him.

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