"JJ! It's going everywhere!"

Sonny had no issue with the Pogues. But, regardless, she didn't feel like crossing paths with them or having to explain why it looked like she had gone swimming the morning after storm Agatha had hit.

Then again, they were probably there for the same reason she had been. Fishing.

So much for that idea, she guessed.

   Sonny quickly tugged her shirt on over her bikini, peering back at the water with a frown — the keys were down there, and she wondered if this person would believe her when she told them she found their boat without keys to prove it. Had they even been able to get back into the motel without those keys? During Agatha's reign?

   Would they even be there?

As the Pogues drew closer, Sonny decided she had no time to jump back in and grab the keys. She would just have to go empty-handed and bullshit her way through it — nothing new. At least she had remembered the room number. 229. It was a start anyway.

She slid on her sunglasses and lifted the anchor, moving as quickly as she could.

   Sonny didn't know the last time she had started the engine so fast, but it had to be a new record when she made it away unnoticed, just as the HMS POGUE hit the same sandbar she had. She smirked when JJ was thrown off the front, his heels probably hit the back of his head.

   His friends cried out for him, too busy to notice Sonny had swooped right and made for the harbour. She wondered if the group was always so unobservant.

    "There's a boat!"

    "Shut it, Pope—"

    "No, really! There's a boat! Look!"

   Sonny hoped that he hadn't meant her, but she didn't stick around to find out.

   But, even as she left, she could vaguely heard their voices.

"Holy shit!"

"There is a boat down there!"

Seems like she wasn't the only one.

"You think there's a dead body, down there?"

A dead body, Sonny rolled her eyes. What was this? Another Agatha Christie novel? A murder mystery? She doubted it. It was just an abandoned boat.

   So why was did she want to know more?


   Getting to the harbour hadn't taken long.

   Sonny parked the LIBERTY around the corner from the Coastguard. She had decided it was best that she report the sunken boat. Her parents would be disappointed she hadn't done the smart thing and just contacted the right authorities immediately — because it's the right thing to do, her mom's voice rang clearly in her head, the Coastguard will take care of it, that's their job sweetheart.

The voice in her head was right. Reporting it was easier. It meant the boat would eventually get back to its owners, even though it wasn't much use anymore, and so, beyond handing over the correct information, this whole thing didn't need to involve Sonny. It wasn't her boat.

EFF IT! ➸ jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now