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Authors note; some info, peter is tony's assistant after civil war, however tony does not know peter is spider man, and spider man was not present during civil war. Also this cahpter is short as im trying to do school work at the moment XD. God im so behind.



One flash or click of a camera and a moment will be forever preserved, the smile and the gleaming eyes of a man, or even a loved one, something that can be held in a wallet or a frame so you never forget. 

That one moment could mean the world to someone, but could also mean nothing to another.

Tony held the frame, a small smile on his face but tears in his eyes as he looked upon a photo of the team, It was from a few months ago and the team decided to have a movie night, everyone was sprawled out on the sofas and Clint and Natasha were in the middle of a pillow fight. The others sat around them and laughed at Clints miserable attempt to beat her. It was a fun night and it was one of the rare occasions where the team could all sit down together and try to be some kind of family for one another.

He jumped slightly as he felt someone place a hand on his shoulders, it was 3am probably later, no one should be awake.

"Tony?" It was pepper, "I think you should come to bed, try to get some sleep"

 He nodded briefly and sat the frame back down, allowing Pepper to guide him through the dark halls back to their room. Laying down and staring at the ceiling, waiting for the sun to rise.

When the gentle rays on sun hit his skin he was up, making his way to the lab, ready to spend another day at work. He turned on some music and set off to improving his suits, making any adjustments he could before the kid came to work on Rhodey's new legs with him. It was around 10am when a ball of energy with messy brown chair came rushing into the lab, stopping them self just before crashing into the suit Tony was working on, "Hey Mr. Stark! Are we still working on the new legs for Rhodey? I had a few ideas and i tried writing them down but there were so many and I couldn't pick just one so-"

"Whoa kid, slow down we've got the whole weekend to look at your ideas and see what ones work best with the model, May did give you the okay to stay, right?" Tony asked, a slight tint of hope in his voice, he loved it when the kid stayed over, everyone did.

"Yep! I can't wait Mr.Stark, i'll be back i need to put my stuff in my room!" There was no chance for tony to reply, all he could do was watch the kid sprint out of the room and into the lift, as he chuckled and placed his equipment away, getting set up for the rest of the day. And what a day it was, they were in the lab until Pepper came down and dragged them out for food, It was pizza from a local shop downtown that both Tony and Peter loved, Everyone grabbed a few slices and sat down on the sofas, putting on Star wars and just enjoying each others company. 

It struck Tony with sadness as he realized he could no longer do this with the team he had spent the last few years with, but he smiled as he looked towards Peter and Pepper, realizing he had a new family to take care of now. He pulled the kid closer to him and eventually they were both fast asleep.

Pepper smiled sweetly when she noticed the pair, "Friday take a picture and print it out, I think Tony would like this in his office." She chuckled when Friday gave the response, "Already done Ms.Potts, the picture is being framed as we currently speak."

She nodded and slowly got up, careful not to wake the boys, placing a blanket over them and kissing Tony on the head before going to bed herself.

It was a week later when Tony found the picture sitting in his office, he was waiting for Peter again and decided to pick up some papers, he smiled and held it close to him as the words engraved at the bottom made his heart melt.

'family isn't by blood but who you chose to stand by you'

And peter was always going to be family.

"Hey Mr.Stark! You coming?"

"Coming kid!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2020 ⏰

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