Two hours later we're on the way to Florence. The not so 'agreed' quickie turned into an hour of sex marathon. He said he needs to have his fill because he might not get a chance in his sister's house.

I was asleep the whole drive that I didn't notice we already reached the place. Alexander woke me with a kiss. "Wake up, love. We're here."


"Come now. If you don't open your eyes, Georgina will see you perched on my lap. I'm sure she would have a lot of questions."

I'm instantly wide awake and quickly jumped out of his thigh while he just laughs loudly.

"You look cute when you're startled."

"Shut up!"

"Here she comes! Fixed yourself, love. You look like you've slept for a hundred years." He chuckled.

I gave him a dirty look. "Stop teasing me!"

Alexander came out of the car still laughing. "What's so funny little brother?"

"Hello, Georgie! Look at you! Did you just eat a whole watermelon?"

"Don't you dare! I'm..." I saw Georgina about to reprimand Alexander just as I step out of the car.

"Georgina!" I interjected.

"Oh my Cassandra! How are you? Mmmm...Why do you look so tired, dear?" He gave Alexander a dirty look.

"What? Why is everyone keeps sending me dirty looks now? What did I do?" He asked confused.

"Oh because I know you, Alexander John!" She said wagging his finger.

"Uhm...I'm just tired of the drive. But I'll be fine once I get my bearing again." Just as I said it I look around and a gasped came out of my mouth.

"Wow! This...this place is so beautiful Georgina!" The villa is perched on top of a panoramic hillside, surrounded by rows and rows of vineyards. The sunset just creates a magical effect on the place.

"I could live here forever! It's so peaceful and majestic." I told her honestly. I've met his husband Matteo a few times in New York but this is my first time visiting his hometown. I believe his family owns more than fifty percent of the winery in Tuscany. And one of their biggest vineyards is this place where they currently live in.

"Oh, Georgina! I envy you so much. This place is simply breathtaking."

"You know, I've been inviting you to stay here for a month or two. Matteo has a lot of gorgeous Italian friends."

"Huh! Cassandra would never like Italians. Don't waste your time on it." Alexander said looking so smug.

"What if I do?" I challenged him.

"Oh perfect! That's perfect! We are having a small picnic tomorrow with some of our friends. I can introduce you to one of them."

"No one's going to be introduced to anyone." He declared seethingly and left.

"What's wrong with that guy?" Georgina asked as he looked at Alexander retreating towards the house.

"Don't mind him. He's probably tired from the drive as well."

"It's only a three-hour drive and you two are tired? You weren't even driving!" She mumbled the latter as we followed Alexander inside the house.

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