I stepped into the office and met Tessa by the reception, "Hey Daphne, you don't look too good, Are you sick?" She asked and placed her palm on my forehead trying to check my temperature, "you have a normal temperature, what's wrong?" She asked concerned. "I need a favor from you, I'm so sorry to disturb you but can I stay at your place for a few days? I asked her, "What happened.." she started, I could she that she wanted to ask why I was leaving Williams's house but she stopped herself because my facial expression showed that I wasn't in the mood to talk about it. "You're welcome to stay as long as you like darling, I've always wanted a roommate so we can do cute stuff together" she said laughing and then pulled me into a hug, "you know I'm always here for you to listen or anything, and I won't judge, so just be fine, okay?" She said. "Yes, thank you darling. One more thing, please help me cover up for the boss, I'd be out much this week" I said, "No problem boo" She smiled again. "I'd be on my way now" I said as I walked towards the elevator.

I think since I woke up this morning, this was the moment I dreaded the most, seeing him again. I had come in already and written out the plan for expenses for the ball, we needed to go through it together so I'd leave and start preparing for it. I already made his coffee so I had it in my hand when I entered.

"Can I come in?" I said after like knocking his door, I gave my self a pep-talk before entering and put up my most professional face. "Come in" I heard him say and stepped into his office and dropped his coffee on the table. "Good morning sir, I wanted to know if we could discuss the expenses, I've mapped out a plan and I think it is the perfect plan for this event. May I show it to you sir?" I said very professionally. "Daphne, please don't be like this" he said standing up and coming towards me, I knew he was relating to the occurrence of the previous day. I knew I wouldn't be able to talk about this without a few tears and I sure didn't want to cry before him. "I'm sorry sir, it was my mistake barging in and forgetting my place" I said in a professional tone with my voice cracking from unshed tears. "I'm sorry it's really not what you think" he continued, "I'm sorry sir but we don't have much time until the weekend and there's still so much to do, please let's have this conversation a little later please" I asked of him. "Fine" He said and retreated back to his seat.

"That's the last of it sir" I said as we finished going through my plan, he approved pretty much everything I penned down and signed off funds for them. "Also sir, I won't be spending much time in the office for the next few days since I have to prepare for this, Miss Johnson will cover up some work for me, but if there's something really urgent please ask Miss Johnson to contact me, I'll be leaving now to begin preparations immediately" I said. "No problem, please ask Miss Johnson to meet me on your way out" He said looking at me with sad eyes. "Sorry Williams, I guess the party is over" I thought to myself as I walked out through the door.

I walked to my table and picked up some stuff I was going to need and walked to the elevator. As I passed by his office, I wondered if it was different, I missed him but that doesn't change anything.

I got out of the elevator and walked towards the reception, "Hey Tessa, the big boss awaits your presence" I said as she chuckled. "Bye love" she smiled and waved at me. I made it out of the office and hailed a cab that took me around while I made the preparations.

Williams's POV:

I watched her come in and talked to Miss Johnson at the reception for a bit, then take the elevator upstairs and finally I heard her knock at my door. "Can I come in" I heard her tiny voice say, I was used to the laughter in her voice but right now she sounded so dry and rigid. "Come in" I said and watched her step into my office, she dropped my coffee on the table and began. "Good morning sir, I wanted to know if we could discuss the expenses, I've mapped out a plan and I think it is the perfect plan for this event. May I show it to you sir?" She said very professionally unlike her that was always full of life and laughter. "Daphne, please don't be like this" i said standing up and going towards her, it was obvious she knew I was relating to the occurrence of the previous day but she acted indifferently. It was obvious in her expression and body language that she would cry if I continued talking about this. "I'm sorry sir, it was my mistake barging in and forgetting my place" she said in a professional tone with her voice cracking from unreleased and unshed tears. "I'm sorry it's really not what you think" I continued, "I'm sorry sir but we don't have much time until the weekend and there's still so much to do, please let's have this conversation a little later please" She asked of me, my heart sank when I saw how much she wanted to avoid it, I sighed. "Fine" I said and retreated back to my seat.

"That's the last of it sir" She said as we finished going through the plan, I approved pretty much everything she penned down and signed off funds for them because I knew her judgment was always correct. "Also sir, I won't be spending much time in the office for the next few days since I have to prepare for this, Miss Johnson will cover up some work for me, but if there's something really urgent please ask Miss Johnson to contact me, I'll be leaving now to begin preparations immediately" She said. "No problem, please ask Miss Johnson to meet me on your way out" I said looking at her with sad eyes. She looked at me and walked out of the office.

She was hurt, I could see it in the way she dressed and even spoke. I hurt her, I was the cause of her pain. Now I have to follow Evans's idea and make use of Miss Johnson's help.

Moments later I heard a knock at me door, "Yes, come in" I said in a hardened tone. Miss Johnson walked inside the room and stood at the door far from me, she was probably afraid of me too. "Please come forward and have your seat" I said in a much calmer voice. When she had sat down, I began "I need your help"

Chapter 20 done
I just want them back together 🥺
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