DEV: am i interrupting something

LAVANYA : no I was just leaving.... I shouldn't have come can you wait outside a bit more

DEV: actually the doctor wants to check on him

LAVANYA : where is he??

DEV: who??

LAVANYA : the doctor ...

DEV: on his way

LAVANYA : I should go.... (she leaves the room and dev follows her in attempt to prevent her from meeting with Khushi)

Khushi is seated on her bench when she sees a text from dev telling her to go see arnav.... she shakes her head and stands up heading towards arnav's room

She doesn't knock on the door and just opens it when she reaches it.... Arnav out of instinct pretends to be fast asleep when he hears the door click open thinking it to be lavanya who may have forgotten something in the room.... he even makes a soft snore to sell the act and make it a bit more convincing....

Khushi stares at him for a while and debates on waking him up or not... she notices how fragile and pale he looks...and she feels a tear escape her eye and she instantly wipes it... she is not supposed to care and suddenly it hits her.... why is she here in the first place.... to talk to him?? About what?? Everything that was to be talked about they already did... so she makes her decision... she walks out of the room and closes the door and arnav let's out a breath he didn't know he was holding.... listening to lavanya is depressing and she is the last person he needs to see...

LAVANYA : why are you following me??

DEV: am not....

LAVANYA : dev??

DEV: I also happen to have parked my car here.... lavanya your not fine and I can't let you leave like that... you might crash your car in anger

LAVANYA : what's wrong with me is non of your business...

DEV: I know but....

LAVANYA : wait is that khushi.... (she says as she notices khushi walking towards the same parking lot)

DEV: lavanya

LAVANYA : the nerve of that woman..... has she no shame...

Before he can do anything lavanya walks towards khushi and dev rushes there...this is exactly what he wanted to avoid....

LAVANYA: what are you doing here??

KHUSHI: I could answer that but I won't

LAVANYA: you have no shame... your a characteeless human being

KHUSHI: are you done??

LAVANYA: you came to see arnav didn't you...

KHUSHI: I could say the same to you...unlike you I actually have a relation with him... listen lavanya I really don't have the time to waste on arguing with you.... If your looking for an apology from me.... you wont get any.... am not going to lie to you and say I feel bad for whatever I did to you....but I understand how you feel... I feel that way too... he betrayed me.... I understand why you must hate me but I hate you let's not drag this.... It isn't necessary.... I have places to be at

LAVANYA: you have no remorse bitch

KHUSHI: if that was meant to hurt didn't... I have heard far worse.... so if your going to get me riled up you have to do alot better than bitch...

Lavanya has heard enough and raises her hand to slap khushi but dev comes in between them and holds her hand...

DEV: don't

MY LOVER MY WIFE... Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora