Chapter 4

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It had been a few hours later and the sun was setting and Wade could smell the food from his place. He put on some nice, comfortable looking clothes as he got ready to head over to Peters.

He had put his phone in his pocket and brought out a ladder to the balcony. He held up his walkie talkie as he laid the ladder on his railing.

"I'm ready to taste your cooking."

"Oh really, give me a minute."

Wade waited outside for a while until he saw Peter in a beautiful, stunning outfit with an apron on him that said, "May The Forks Be With You," which caused a chuckle to escape Wade's mouth.

"What's with the ladder?"

"I'm going to make a makeshift bridge."

"That only have the support of the railing?"


"... this may be your dumbest and most dangerous idea yet."

"I know but we have to try."

"Whatever you say Wade."

Wade had pull out the ladder to its full length and gave Peter a warning that it was coming his way. As the ladder was coming down, Peter at first let it slip a little bit but then got a steady grip on it.

Wade had liked this idea so far and started walking across the ladder as he held out his arms to keep balance like they do in the movies. Peter had a tight grip on it, afraid Wade will fall and it'll be his fault.

Safe to say, Wade make it across and hugged Peter in delight to be across. As they held each other, they tripped and Peter was now under Wade as they looked into each other's eyes. The sunlight looked good on both of them and as they started to lean, MJ came out of the apartment to tell her Papa that there was smoke in the kitchen.

Peter had immediately gotten up and went inside, along with Wade following behind. The kitchen was clean other than the smoke coming out of the oven. Peter rushed over with his kitchen mittens on as he opened the oven to find the lasagna burnt with smoke escaping.

Through instinct, Wade has opened all the nearest windows and turned on the fans so the smoke could leave the apartment. Wade put a hand over MJ's mouth as she began to cough and brought her to the nearest smoke clean room. He told her to stay as he led Peter to the room and laying them both on the bed.

As they both asked each other if they were alright, Wade had looked around the room. There were blue painted walls with an open closet with colorful clothing and shoes along with a chests and boxes in some of the corners of the room with some books.

He went over to the chest and opened it to find race cars and small toy fairies inside. In another box he found legos and in another he found some pictures. He looked through them to see Peter and MJ together smiling and having a great time in each one.

It was too quiet in the room Wade noticed. He looked behind to see Peter and MJ smiling at him. He smiled back and held up one of the photos, "Where'd you take this?"

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