Part One

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Draco malfoy has a sensitive neck

The lightest touch made him whimper and honestly it was quite embarrassing.

And that was before his fellow Slytherins found out.

It all started when Pansy fucking Parksion decided that it would be bloody great to play a game of truth or dare in 6th year, and yeah, you guessed it, they made him swallow vertisum and say what his biggest kink was.

Which was, surprise surprise, his neck.

And from then on it was torment. Everyone always trying to touch him and every game it was always hickeys on his neck or anything around the area.

Fast forward 2 years later and the war has gone and past and they were all in 8th year just trying to get by. The golden trio and the snakes made up and everyone was living happily ever after or whatever the fuck.

Until Blasie, his best friend, suggested that all the 8th years play a game of truth or dare.

So scratch that, former best friend.

"Oooo yes that'll be fun", said Pansy with an evil look in her eye and a grin fit for a Slytherin.

Draco was having none of it. He got up, grabbed his books, and began marching to the door.

"Oi where you going draco?" asked Weasley, because apparently their little truce meant that he had permission to call him by his first name.

Before Draco had the chance to respond, Pansy cut in. "Cause he's a wuss who's too scared to play a little game a truth or dare", she said while looking down at her nails.

"I am bloody well not, and you all know why", he said through gritted teeth. He knew that pansy was using his competitiveness to get him to play and honestly, it was working.

"Why what?" asked Granger, who was putting down her book to join the little circle of 8th years. She looked up at draco with scrunched brows and that "i'll figure out what that means" look on her face.

Before pansy could speak, Draco quickly said "Nothing! It's nothing. I'll play your stupid little game if you all insist on being immature" he said with a defeated sigh. He reasoned to himself that it would be better for him to just man up and go through it then let his worst secrets be spread without his knowledge.

Pansy had a smug expression on her face when she came and sat down next to draco in the circle. Apparently Blaise's little announcement had caught the attention of most, if not all, of the eight years. There circle consisted of Seamus, Dean, Weasley, Granger, Potter, The parvati twins, Lavender, Theo, Crabbe, a couple hufflepuffs, and two ravenclaws that he never got the names of.

"Well I am assuming everyone knows the rules of truth or dare, yes?" asked Blaise. One of the hufflepuffs sheepishly raised there hand and shook their head no.

Blaise sighed and gave the basic outline of the rules and how to play. "So, i'll start off the game by picking on someone and asking truth or dare. If the person picks truth they have to put three drops of this" he said while taking a potion out of his bag that was labeled 'veritaserum' "in their mouths and swallow. It'll make you tell the truth for just one question, so there's no need to worry. And if a person picks dare they have to complete the dare or else a pretty nasty bruise will appear somewhere on your body. Just ask Draco, they hurt." he said with a laugh.

Draco just scowled and continued to look at the ground. He needed to get new friends.

And with that, Blaise put the potion in the middle of the circle.

Let the games begin.

(((((Harry's POV (not really it's 3rd person)))))

Now, don't get Harry wrong, Harry loves his life.


Yes yes, he was beyond grateful that the war was over and with it Snake Face.

But other aspects of his life could go fuck themselves

Like being hopelessly in love with a certain blonde Slytherin.

Harry isn't quite sure when this little crush morphed into something very similar to love, but all he knows is that it can be quite hard to hide.

Especially when Draco looks like a fucking angel who fell straight from heaven.

With is perfect hair (which he pushes back now and it gives him the fucking hottest 'just shagged' look) and his gorgeous light gray eyes that have little specks of blue scattered in them (and when the light hits him just right it looks like his irises are gone because that's just how light they are) and his slim waist (that Harry just wants to hold while slamming him against a wall-

Ok you get Harry's problem.

Correction, Draco isn't the problem, it's Draco's lack of interest that's the problem.

You see, ever since 8th year started and Draco came up to the golden trio with presents and a heartfelt apology, he's been avoiding harry like he's the plague.

And it's just Harry! Draco seems to be perfectly fine with getting into heated debates with Hermione and staying up with her for their late night study sessions, or playing Ron in wizards chess while they talk about muggle things.

It's Harry that Draco seemed to have a problem with.

And sure maybe Harry has a hard time with starting conversation with him, because, well, have you seen him?!

Can you blame him though? Honestly, no one should have an ass that looks that bloody good.

Hermione said that the reason Draco avoids him is because Draco "is under the impression that you still hate him. I mean honestly Harry, every time Draco walks into a room, you run out like there's a banshee on your arse!"

Ok so maybe Draco isn't avoiding him, but he's avoiding Draco?

Honestly it doesn't matter. All Harry knows is that he gets bloody painful erections whenever he so much as thinks of the Blonde, and it really doesn't help when he's in the vicinity of him.

What was he saying again? Oh yes he's hopelessly in love with a blonde, beautiful, Slytherin? Well now said Slytherin is sitting across from him in the stupid circle, because stupid Blaise thought it would be fun to play stupid truth or dare, and stupid Hermione has that stupid evil look on her face that literally means "I'm about to ruin your life", and Harry is just a stupid gay man that knows his life is about to take a turn.

Let the games begin.

This was supposed to be a one shot but i'm thinking about going somewhere with it? lemme know what you think :)

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