Bonus Chapter - Part One

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I stared straight ahead as the gates opened. The guard ushered me out, but I still took my sweet time. I spotted the black Range Rover that was picking me up.

"Get out, Snow"

I looked back at the prison guard who was staring at me with a look of disgust. It made me smile even more.

"I always liked you" I took a closer look at his badge "Officer Jones"

I scrunched my nose at him as I walked out, satisfied to know I'd hit a nerve in him. I walked over to the car and opened the door, meeting eyes with a fellow accomplice.

"Hey" she said. Her brown hair was pulled back in a ponytail, and she had those little gold hoops in her ears.

"Hello Jenna" I smirked, closing the door. I leaned over and kissed her cheek, as she started the engine. I'd been seeing Jenna way before any of this happened. I met her back when I was dating Elena. We were strictly friends, but I knew something was there. It was just my luck that Hector forced me to break up with her.

"Do you wanna do it now?" she asked, keeping her eyes on the road. I smirked, opening the glovebox and taking out my gun.

"Now's a better time than ever, sweetheart"


"Baby, I'm home!" I called out, closing the front door behind me. But there was no answer. I walked upstairs and opened the door to our bedroom to see my wife sitting on the bed. Decked out, in black lingerie which perfectly complimented her curves.

"Holy shit, Cindy" I said, dropping the bag in my hand. I took off my jacket and walked over to her.

"Well I figured you've been so stressed lately" she smirked, wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me down to her level. I sat down, leaning against the headboard as she sat on top of me, her legs on either side of me.

"And?" I said, kissing her neck. I gently bit down, causing her to moan softly. She started grinding on me whilst moving her head to the side, giving me more space. I pulled my head back, looking at all the red marks on her neck.

"I can't believe I slept with Mattia when you were there this whole time" she said as I unclipped her bra. Just as I threw it on the floor there was a loud bang, and the door flew open.

"What the fuck!?" screamed Cindy, diving under the covers. I looked up, stunned to see Jackson standing in front of us with a gun in his right hand.

"Jackson, take it easy man" I said, putting my hands up. He chuckled to himself, pointing at me with his gun, then at Cindy.

"You two really got together? That's gross"

I rolled my eyes, shuffling towards Cindy a little.

"Don't shoot us" I pleaded, keeping my hands up.

"What? I would never" he said innocently.

"I'm just trying to kill you" said Jackson, his voice becoming sinister as he loaded the gun, aiming at my head. I closed my eyes, bracing myself for what was about to come.

"Jenna visited new everyday in prison, telling me how much of a dick you were to Elena" he said, coming closer to us "she might be my ex, but she's still my fucking friend, you bastard"

And with that, he pulled the trigger. Cindy screamed when she saw blood spewing out my chest. I gasped for breath as I saw Jackson walking out.

"Sleep tight, Kio" he called, before slamming the door shut. Cindy threw on a t shirt, trying to cover my wound with clothing so it'd stop bleeding. But there was no point.

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