Welcome to Canada

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Previously: "So what do you say?

"If I say yes, what happens next?" asked Ash.

"We will take you home to get your stuff and to say goodbye, then get on a plane to go to the school." says Todd.

"OK, Sounds good." says Ash." I'll go to your fancy school."

"Wonderful, just sign these and you be fully enrolled." Todd says as he pulls some papers out of his briefcase.

"Cool. I guess, I should go get my stuff now?"

"Yes, this car will take you to your house and then to the airport, where I'll be waiting."

       At the Airport....

"You got everything you need?" asks Todd.

"Yep, its sorta sad. Leaving."

"Don't worry you'll love the school and with our reach, you can become a top draft pick by your senior year." says Todd. "Well here we are, the schools plane. After you."

"You guys have your own plane?"

"Of course, we are home to some of the best athletes in the world or at least North America."

"Huhh. So are we going straight to the school?"

"No, we have to make a pit stop in Massachusetts. Picking up another Athlete there."

"Ok. Lets get this show on the road, then." says Ash. 

5 hours later......

"Welcome to Orangetown, Mass." says Todd as they step off the plane. "Such a lovely place."

"Its something, alright."

"Alright, the kid should be showing up soon."

"So, you didn't have to go and track him down like you did with me?"

"No, I gave that job to my assistant. You are a bigger fish, than this kid is, metaphorically speaking."

"Huh. What sport?"

"Same as you. Hockey, but for our mens team. We needed an enforcer, this kid is what we need."

"Why have me come to the womens team? What do they need?"

"They need a star, someone who will always be the best no matter what team they are up against. Thats where you come in."

"Well, thats nice to know. I think thats them." says Ash, when a car pulls up.

"Ahh. Ricky, welcome back." says Todd. "And it is very nice to meet you Mr. Glatt, we look forward to having you on the team."

"Its good to see you, sir."

"Nice, to meet you Mr. Rangmore. Thank you for this chance, I won't let you down."

"I know you won't son. This is Ashler Ryder, she'll be joining the female team."

"Nice to meet you Doug."

"Nice to meet you too Ashler. Cool name, by the way."

"Thanks, but call me Ash, please."

"Alrighty kids, buckle up." Todd says.

4 hours later......

"Well kids, welcome to Canada."

AN. Updated massively. No longer a filler. updated 12/13/17. 

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