Arrested, what?

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Sitting on the steps of the tech building,  Ash, her boyfriend Noah and their friends are eating lunch.

"No way, dude that chick is crazy, who said that we hooked up." Asked Jon

"I don't know, its just a rumor that's floating around, I'm not sure where it started," teased Ash.

"Babe, Jon's been through enough,  stop teasing him and besides I'm not sure why anyone would say that they were with you man. I've been meaning to tell you, but your looking a little fugly, its time to shave." Said Noah.

"Dude, its a playoff beard. It's good luck."

"A playoff beard?" Ash asked. "The season hasn't even started yet."

"So Ash, I heard you went off on Murphy the other day. That true?"

"Not really, she was trying to trash talk me and got pissed off when I didn't acknowledge her. She tried to pick a fight, so I took it straight to her ugly nose."

"She really tried to fight you? Is she crazy?" 

"Yep, she thought I was trying to break her and Ben up, so she took a swing. It was pretty funny though, watching her try to throw a punch."

"Man, I wish I was there to see that." Said Jon.

         A Police Car pulls up...

"Dude, whats with the cops? Some get busted again?"

"No idea."

      Cops walk up...

"Excuse me, any of you know a Ash Ryder?"

"Why?" Asked Noah.

"We just got to ask her a couple of questions." said Officer Paul.

"Well, I'm Ash. Whats up?" Asked Ash.

"Miss Ryder, you have been accused of assault. We need you to come down to the station to answer a few questions."

"What what?"

"Miss Ryder, please don't make a scene. Just come with us to the station to get this all cleared up."

AN. This has been updated on 12/13/2017.

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