♡Chapter Seven♡

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I picked out some clothes. I decided to wear my navy blue dress and white leggings. I picked out some more clothes for the month. I also got some more of my belongings. I walked back into the woods and got to the house. I started feeling really sick. I got nauseous all of a sudden and threw up on the steps. Eyeless Jack came out and saw the puke and started to gag. Then a dog came ever and cleaned it all up. The dog looked up to me and said 'Spread the word!' I got really scared, then Jeff came out.

"Smile! Stop! This is Savannah. Now, take the curse away!"

"Fine" I don't know what he did or if it worked, but I was terrified. It didn't look like a normal dog. He apologized and went off into the house.

"You look sick, what happened?" Jeff asked

"I don't know, but I just got nauseous while I was walking back from my house"

"You might want to go to Slenderman's office"

Jeff led me to his office. I knocked and the door opened. I walked in and Jeff stayed outside.

"Look, Slendy I'm sorry I didn't ask you ahead of time to see you, but I need you now"

"Whats wrong Savannah? You look sick! Come, sit down"

"I feel terrible! I just got nauseous all of a sudden. I don't know why!"

"See me tomorrow. Be prepared. Hopefully it's not what I think it is." He said worriedly. He led me out of his office "get some rest Savannah."

My mom texted me "I will be gone for more than a month. The surgery didn't go to well, so they'll have to do it again next month. We're staying with her the whole time."

I just went to sleep. I kept on having to get up and puke. The last time I had to puke, it was 8:00 so,why not just stay up? I walked to Slendy's office, and knocked on the door. He opened it and I stepped right in. Ben, Jack, and Sally were already in there. I sat in one of the chairs.

"So Savannah, we have some questions for you." Slendy said

"Okay. Ask away"

Ben spoke up first, "Did you have sex?"

"Uhh... yes?" I said embarrassedly

Slendy put one of his tentacles on my stomach. "I feel something. Savannah, your pregnant"

"No! This can't be! I'm not pregnant!" I yelled

"Yes you are. I felt it."

I started to get worried. What was I going to do with it? How was I going to tell Jeff?

"A baby! A baby! You're having a baby!" Sally yelled. I could tell she was so excited

I went to work at 12:00 and Miranda, my boss, told me to stock up the toy isle. That place is way to messy!

"No" I said. I'm not going to stock up the toy isle, if I'm not going to get paid much.

"YOU'RE FIRED!" She yelled. I didn't care. I hated that job anyways

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