♡Chapter Two♡

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"Yes, Savannah. You 're so special. You're not like all the other girls. You're different. You didn't beg for mercy, you stayed, and didn't freak out that much like a fish with no water."

I blushed uncontrollably. I couldn't stop blushing. 'Savannah stop it' I thought in my head. I felt so bad, I was just leaving him hanging with no response.

"You're special to me too." I said not knowing what to say

He smiled, I don't mean his fake smile, I mean his real smile. We just sat on my bed and listened to music that was on my phone. This night was really special. I actually felt like I was loved.

♥Jeff's POV♥

We just sat there listening to music and we got to a "Kiss" song. As we listened I wondered what he would sound like without his tongue. We fell asleep and I awoke later that night, realizing I wasn't in the mansion. I got up without waking Savannah and left her a note:

Dear Savannah,

I'm going home and I just wanted to leave you a note so that you know I didn't just leave you.

-Jeff The Killer

I'm not good with notes like that. It's hard being sincere. Probably because I'm a cold hearted killer. I went through the woods and got to the mansion. I went through the gates and sneaked in. Ben was sitting in the living room playing a video game with Jack.

"What are you doing out so late? Your killing curfew was an hour ago! We've been worried sick!" Jack said

"Dude did you meet a girl? Or did you go to Bath & Body Works?" Ben asked

"W-why do you ask?"

"Dude, you smell like expensive perfume. You're also acting high, so you're either getting butterflies from girl or you sniffed to much perfume and hand sanitizer."

"Ummm.........the first one?"

"Whats her name?"Sally asked from the hallway

"I'll tell you tomorrow, Sally. I have to go to bed and wake up early." I said to her

I went into my room and plopped onto the bed. Tonight was the best night of my life. I actually fell in love! After hours of thinking about Savannah I finally fell back asleep even though it was like 5:00.

♥Savannah's POV♥

I woke up and there was a note on my desk from Jeff. I read it and went downstairs to the kitchen to make some cereal. We were all out. Of course! Just my luck! I had to go to school today. I had absolutely no friends, but many enemies.

I drove myself to school and when I arrived I saw Jennifer- Jennifer Konrad, the meanest girl in the whole school. I walked by her trying not to get noticed but then she looked up from her phone.

"Hey girls, look who it is! It's 'Me wannabe'! What are you doing walking past me like that?! Now bow down to me!"

I swear this girl was weird, but mean, bossy, and preppy. No wonder she was the most popular girl in school. I just ignored her and walked off. Then her boyfriend walked in front of me and shouted "SHE SAID BOW DOWN!!" I bowed down trying not to get beat up today. Then everyone was pointing and laughing. At lunch we had spaghetti. Great. Stacy, Jennifer's best friend made me drop my tray. As I bent down to get it, Jennifer dropped spaghetti on my head. I yelled and she just said what she always says, "Opps! Aw I'm so not sorry! I purposely accidentally put my tray on your head.....AGAIN!!!" Then she just starts laughing, and I cry. I run into the bathroom to clean myself up. I just ended up leaving and going back to my house.

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