♡Chapter Three♡

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♥Jeff's POV ♥

This morning at like 9:00 Sally woke me up saying "Jeffery tell me her name! I need to know! Is she pretty? Awesome? Boring?"

"Sally? Ugh..... her name.......her name is Savannah..."


"Yes. She is beautiful and she is the second awesomest person in the world!"

"Who's the awesomest?" Sally asked really wanting to know

"Liu" I said sadly. Sally frowned. Didn't know if it was because he died and was sorry for him, or if she wanted the answer to be her

We sat there in silence until she said with the most cheery voice she can make, "I want to meet her....tonight."

I agreed and said I'll have to ask her today when I go to her house.

Slendy walked into the room and said that he's going to do a file check, so if we've had any new victims we have to tell him. Sally named three people- Kelly Burkins, Charles McGee, and Michael Jon. I named five people- Kaitlin Johnson, Georgia Wilson, Lulu Taylor, Bre Thomas, Guy Hancock.

"Hey Slendy, um... can I look through my file please?" I asked him doing my best pouty face

"I don't know, but I guess." He agreed

Slendy and I walked into his office and he pulled out my file with all my victim's information. I looked through the file and there it is- Bryan Sweeney- Savannah's brother! I nearly threw up knowing I ruined my love's life. I killed her brother while she was at the store and now she's being abused! I felt light-headed. Slendy used his tentacles to pick me up and carry me to my bed. I was so worried about what would happen if she found out.

It was 5:00 and I called Savannah to see if she could come over. She said yes and it was settled. She will come over at 7:00. That was long enough for both of us to get ready.

♥Savannah's POV ♥

Jeff called me and asked me if I could go to his house. I of course said yes. He said justmto wear my casual clothes and that he'd come pick me up at 7:00. I got a shower and and put some clothes on. I put on a purple tank-top and a grey sweater. I wore skinny jeans and my black flats. I was so nervous! I was about to meet his family! God, I'm gonna mess up! I'm terrible at first impressions! I'm so scared!

At 7:00 he came to my door.

"Hey, Savannah, please don't freak out, okay? I really want them to like you." He said

"Okay. Don't worry I'm good at this kind of stuff."I lied

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