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Piper's POV:
I ran out of Studio A with my heart pounding in my ears. I couldn't believe I just did that! I was about to kiss Finn, with Amy and all of A-troupe watching as well as the DanceMania film crew. I entered the locker room and lay down on the sofa, crying. I cried for the failure of the dance challenge, I cried for hurting my best friend, I cried for Finn and the things that could never happen. After a while I sat up just as an arguing Finn and Amy entered the locker room. I quickly wiped away my tears and stood up whispering a croaky, "hey guys..." They both looked at me, concerned, and their love for me over rode any bad feelings they had for each other at the moment. They both knew I struggled with anxiety and although I was getting better at controlling it, it still came out at times. I couldn't stand their worried faces and whispered an, "I'm sorry" before again running away from my problems and towards the bus stop

Amy's POV:
When Piper had run out of Studio A I immediately headed over to Finn and demanded a reason for his actions. He guiltily admitted he got caught up in the moment. Of course I didn't like this answer so I stormed out of Studio A towards the locker room. Not ten seconds later Finn caught up with me, his legs being quite a bit longer than me. We argued all the way to the locker room before coming to the agreement that he would take me on a amazing night 'camping' in Studio A. We reached the locker room and saw Piper sitting on the sofa. As soon as she saw us she wiped her cheeks and took off. I wasn't stupid though, I could tell she had been crying. I was about to go after her when Henry messaged me saying he had to tell me something urgently in The Next Steep. I said a quick goodbye to Finn before walking off in the direction of The Next Steep, wondering what on earth could be so important

Henry's POV:
I sat at one of the tables, anxiously jiggling my leg waiting for Amy. I was going to confess that I still had feelings for her. She entered The Next Steep looking beautiful as always. She slid onto the stool next to me and smiled a radiant smile. Instantly I froze up and my mind went blank like always. Suddenly I blurted out, "how do I get Summer back?" Dammit Henry why'd you say that? You don't like Summer you like Amy! She replied, "you should get her loads of likes on Instagram or something...I know I'd love that." Her  idea was good but I just didn't want to use it on Summer. I thanked her before getting up abruptly and leaving The Next Steep.

Amy's POV:
When I reached The Next Steep I saw Henry and flashed him a smile.  He randomly blurted out, "how do I get Summer back?" I couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment deep inside of me. It was probably nostalgia. I told him, "you should get her loads of likes on Instagram or something...I know I'd love that." I didn't mean to add that last bit, why would I say that if we were talking about Summer? Suddenly he stood up and left with little explanation, most likely to carry out the plan I'd given him. I felt sad but why?

Finn's POV:
As I caught the bus home I began to mentally plan for my 'camping' night with Amy. I would bring a big tent with multiple rooms and lots of food like s'mores-those were Piper's favourites. Wait,no! Don't think about Piper! Oh well, I mean, everyone likes s'mores right? I would also need sleeping bags and cooking equipment. As the journey continued my mind drifted to Piper. She looked so pretty while dancing the duet. It's funny how the duet reflected life, me and Piper could never be together no matter how much we both wanted. That DanceMania film crew probably had a field day with all that drama. The bus reached my stop and I got off and went to my room. I gathered up the stuff needed for me and Amy's date tomorrow. Let's just say tomorrow was going to be a long day.

A/n: Hi guys! What do you think,  will hamy become real? Or will Finn mess up this date? And what happened to Piper, will she be ok with this date? Also the next episode of The Next Step comes out in just over half an hour! I'm so excited to find out what happens next! Again, any feedback would be much appreciated but I hope you enjoyed this!

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