He might not have been able to kill me but he could attack under the guise of testing the enemy's defenses. And if we fought here we'd tear this city apart. Not that I particularly care for all the mortals down there but the building and surrounding offices disappearing into guys would certainly try quite a bit of attention attention we did not need at the moment.

Heaven has left mankind to its own devices they only interfere when our side makes a move. However one thing had become crystal clear with Micheal unexpected visit. If he was here on Heavens behest he would not have stopped to chat with little old me. No, if one of his men got killed on mission due to the direct interference of Lucifer. He would have dragged Luci back to hell locked the door and threw away the key.

Michael with not here at Heavens behest!


The roof doors as well as the concrete housing them exploded. "And here comes the King your so fond of, Michael." Michael experienced warrior that he was did not take he's eyes of the man that now stood in the center of that explosion.

The sheer amount of dark energy Lucifer was giving off was incredible. I could almost see it that's how thick and dense it was.

The Devil had come to play!

"Michael!" Lucifer yelled unleashing a powerful murderess aura. It was pure instinct that had Michael drawing he's weapon, readying himself for battle. My instinct was a little different, my instinct had me moving my ass out the way.

In the end my instincts were totally correct. Lucifer charged Michael like a raging bull, hundred times faster than mortal eyes could see. In less than a second the two of them were locked in battle while catapulting from the roof top. Swords, blood and wings twisted and turned in faze of fury and angelic righteousness as they hurtled towards the ground.

Ten stories to the floor the tip Michael's left wing clipped the building next door, the impact blow out the windows tripped the power the remaining ten floors down and collapsed what looked like a really important structural column. Which then resulted in the semi collapse of the front of the building. Oh and it caught fire, damn friction and plastic.

Needless to say the fucking thing was a total shit show. With yours truly a completely unbiased observer.

They hit ground, separately as luck would have it. "Aah!!" Mortals fled in all directions like ants trying to escape a boot.

"Disgusting, how dare you touch me with your filth hands!" Michael growled. Ooow now that was one interesting expression. I never knew Michael had it in him, rage. Though for him to display such emotion was wonderful for this completely unbiased observer the time to work had come.

"Filthy? You... Who attack defenseless pregnant woman? You who is obsessed with the Devil! You wish to speak to me about FILTH!" Lucifer roared, stepping towards Michael that murderess aura increasing by the millisecond.

"Oi! Thats enough, no? In the whole minute you two just fought, you assholes killed more than 4 dozen human. Tonight was supposed to be my night off you bastards." I yelled. "As decreed by Heaven none of the sides are to interfere with my work and if you do well, we all know what happens then now don't we. You two morons just gave me a huge fucking mess to clean up. You arrogant fucker!" When I'd so kindly reminded my absolutely reasonable older brothers of the not so great consequences of denying Heavens decree they calmed down... a fraction.

Okay, more like half a fraction in Luci's case. But in he's case he's rage was totally understandable, the 'good' guys were trying to kill his kid. Michael had corrected he's facial expression and aura, returned to the good little angel he was or if tonight was any indication the good little angel he pretended to be.

"Mister being of angelic grace, you mind heading on home so daddy can give you a firm spanking for killing his precious mortals." I tried really tried to keep the laughter out of my voice but the killing look Michael shot me said otherwise.

Michael left without saying another word, shot into the sky like rocket and the raging monster that had become silent in the middle of the destruction he'd caused suddenly burst out laughing. Loud, evil manic laughter.

It was in that moment I saw him, the Fallen angel who'd come to be called the Devil. I hadn't seen it seen, him like this in nearly two hundred years. The mania, the overwhelming bloodlust, the solid pitch black aura of the pit that clang to him like a cloak.

Instinct told ran! Experience told me stay very very still! When he got like this it was best to wait until it pasted, he couldn't maintain this kind of power here for long anyway. When Lucifer is possessed by the power of the pit I'm 85% sure he could and would kill me for any off handed comment or sudden movement.

Strange I'm the Angel of Death yet I'm completely unashamed to admit that this possibility was slightly frightening. Slightly!
Hi hi 👋

Sooo it's been like a super long time right. Sorry been blocked and lazy but alas the chapter has been posted. I hope you enjoyed it.

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