C11| Why he came

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(Mature Conduct)

ItalySix months agoSophia Anderson

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Six months ago
Sophia Anderson

The cold water felt wonderful on my skin after the day in the hot moist weather of Italy. But did he just throw me in the pool with my clothes on? I broke the surface of the water to find Lucifer standing there chuckling.

"Bitch!" I mutter under my breath. He stops laughing and stares at me as if he heard what just said. "What was that? I didn't quite catch it?" His eyes seemed to glow in the afternoon light. I shrug, damn he heard me.

"I said why don't you join me?" Leaning back and floating on the surface of the water. Lucifer ran his tongue along his lower lip. God that was hot!"Hm, I'll think about it." He turned around and went to sit on the sunbed. The bed was sheer white with drapes of red hanging over it. Next to the bed but not too far away was a mini-bar.

"Would you like a drink?" He got up and poured two glass of red wine. "Yes please." I'm glad I chose to wear flats today ones that tie. I remove my shoes just as Lucifer finishes pouring our wine. I watch entranced as he stalked towards me glasses in hand. "Here you go." He handed me a glass, the wine inside was lovely, smooth and old with hints of chestnut.

"I like it, what year is this?" Lucifer grabs the bottle. "1968." I nod needing some liquid courage, I downed the glass.

"You know Lucifer as much fun as it is getting tosses into a pool, fully dressed. I must say you're quite crafty." He raised his eyebrow in question. "How so?" Lucifer asked. "You've made it quite difficult to take off my dress... without help that is!" Lucifer smirks. "Well I did say you were wearing to much clothes. And besides where's the fun in getting naked alone." His eyes darken, I could see it now, clearer than ever.His desire! His hunger for me! Leaving he's full glass on the bar and slowly walk towards the steps of the pool all the while unbuttoning his shirt ever so slowly. My throat suddenly felt ever dry, I couldn't move all I could do was stare.

Once all the buttons were undone he let the shirt fall effortlessly to the floor. I swallow hard as I finally got a look of he's naked chest in all its musculine glory. He was carved out of marble, all hard lines and flawless tanned skin. In that moment I understood why he was named Lucifer. They say the devil appears to you not and a horned demon but as everything you'd ever desired. And he was desire personified! It was the only way to describe him. He's creamy tanned skin, the ridged muscles of his arms and that 8 pack that made woman and men weak all leading to the tight v that disappeared into his jeans.

Then he popped the button of he's jeans open. My blood rushing in my ears and my heart pounding in my chest was all I could hear, I wonder if he can hear it too. He smirked at me as he unzipped his fly. "Come here!" He commanded, the desire in his voice froze me on the spot all I could do was stare. Standing at the steps to the pool feet in the water and staring at me was desire incarnate.

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