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An arm grasp at his- making the demon stop his tracks.

He locked his gaze with the girl, staring at her for a brief second before smacking his hand away from hers.

Jeno removed his eyes from hers, staring deeply to the man at the floor. Everyone was looking at the two as they shared an intense glare.

Mark stood up,dusting his clothes as Chenle helped him off the floor.

The door slammed open, revealing the demons entering. Renjun walked towards the girl- staring at her in worry.

He held her hands, but the girl kept her head low. She bit lips, holding in all the tears back in.

Jaemin rushed between the two and so did Chenle, pushing the two from going any further.

Jeno's nails digged inside his palm, anger filled his system. If the saying of stares could kill- the angel probably would have been dead by now.

Mark glared back at the demon- his stare was sharp and cold.

Chenle looked at the two before making eye contact with the other demon boy that was trying to hold Jeno back.

He bit his lower lip before sighing in frustration. His eyes moved to the girl on the back, but was barely seenable as Jeno was towering over her.

Jeno kept his gaze. Her face was pale, her lip shivered in fear. Minju's head stayed low, biting the tip of her tongue.

His gaze moved lower- onto her neck. It had a mark now, a red one. Tints of blood around it, as he just bit her.

Hands made it's way to her neck, lifting her chin up. A smirk was plastered across his face, as his eyes turned darker than before.

The demons stare in shock, none in the room utter a word. A gasp left Minsoo's lips.

She rushed over, putting herself between her daughter and the demon. She pushed him away, guarding Minju with both of her arms.

Minsoo opened her mouth to speak- but nothing came out. The room became silent.

Her arms slowly fell down to her side, swallowing her own saliva. She looked at the side, to meet the other demons.

Minsoo's gaze studied each and every of their feature but stopped at one. He looked oddly familiar to her- too familiar.

"It's time to go." Jisung spoke out, hands in his pocket. He took a last glance at Minju before leaving the room.

Jaemin ran to the younger boy, trying his best to catch up to him. Donghyuck and Jeno stood still.

Mark stepped closer to the girl. His hand made it's way to her shoulders, making the girl flinch but soon relaxed as the touch was familiar.

He pulled her closer into his embrace. Minju turned around and her gaze met his. Placing her head on his chest, her arms wrapped around his waist.

Jeno's fist tighten, eyes turned darker and his body temperature turned warmer. He was about to step closer till an arm held him in place.

Before he knew it he was dragged outside, stumbling on a few steps. A portal opened and he was thrown inside.

A groan left his lips. A hand came to sight, leaning it over- offering to help the boy out. He slapped the hand away, standing up on his own.

He gritted his teeth, growling as he stared at the other.

"Why did you do that?" A sigh left his lips. His chest going up and down as his breathing quicken.

There was a long silent.

"Becuase she asked for it"

Hyuck clicked his tongue, removing his hands that were placed inside his pocket.

He took a step closer to Jeno, eyeing him up and down, "You know the cause- right?"

A lump in his throat made Jeno didn't response. He knew what he did- and he knew what would happen.

A door slammed open, footsteps clicking against the floor.

He rushed towards the demon. Hyuck stood back giving space to the two as they needed a valid explanation from him.

"Son," he started. That voice send shiver down his spine. His posture straighten, breath hitched.

Before he knew a hand made contact with his cheek and a loud slap was heard. His head was now tilted.

Jeno huffed out a breath, his stare burnt through his soul.

"Stupid kid." Jeno's glare made it's way to his.


The room went silent- but it was soon broken when his mom entered the room.

A hand clasped onto her mouth, rushing closer to her son. Her palm reached for his cheek, touching it lightly.

Jeno hissed, a slight scratch was seenable on his face. His father left the room, slamming the door shut as he made his way.

It has always been like this..

His mother pulled him closer to her embrace, rubbing her hand up and down his back- trying to comfort him.

"Its fine sweetie.."


"What were you thinking?"

Minju fidgeted with her fingers as the 3 angel's and 2 humans towered over her making her feel as small as an ant.

Chenle tapped his shoe against the ceramic floor, waiting for the girl to reply.

"I dont know.." she murmured, but the rest was still able to hear. A hand slammed against Hyerin's forehead along with a sigh from Renjun.

Mark was quite, staring at the girl. Mumbling a few thoughts but none could have heard.

"But..what am I?" All eyes went to her then moved to Minsoo. She stared at her daughter emotionless- but fear were strangling her beneath.

She let out a deep sigh, rubbing her temple. She sat down next to her in the sofa, calmly placing her hand on Minju's shoulder.

"Maybe it is time to tell you.."

Yesterday was my birthday uwu. Anyway how ya'll doin' ?

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