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Minsoo's eyes widen. She held onto her daughters shoulder. Minju's breathing was unstable.

Her screams thundered across the room. Minju's back felt as it was ripped apart- more likely ripped open.

Her fangs grew immensely. Minju's eyes transformed to the color of bright red. Her wings ripped the cloth of her shirt.

Her black wings opened to the air. A loud gasp came out of her mother and another scream of pain from the daughter.

Minju fell off the bed, on the floor in her knees. Minsoo stumbled back- holding onto the wall. She was afraid- of her own daughter.

Minju's screams turned into deep growls. Her head hanged low, as her hands held down to keep her balance. 

Tears filled her eyes- she was afraid.

"Mom.." she let out a small whimper, gripping on the sheets of her bed as it was the closest item she hold onto.

Another groan left her lips, tear flowing out.

Minsoo walked closer to her daughter. She knew it was a dangerous movement- but she had too, she couldn't handle seeing her daughter suffer just because of her old past.

A hand rand through Minju's back. Calming the her down.

Her mother's hand passed her wings, stroking it slowly as she didn't want to harm her daughter.

Hwang Minsoo knew this time would happen sooner or later- and she had to face it.

"I'm sorry.." she mumbled. Minju heard clearly what her mother has said but she was focusing back to overcome the pain.

Her eyes flashed red, fangs sharper than a knife. Minju's back arched, letting out another painful scream.

"Mom..it hurts-" Minju sobbed. Sniffs were heard loudly in the hallway.

Her wings flew out- they were beautiful. Minsoo's eyes widen at the sight, causing her to gasp. 


Throwing the knife at the air and aimlessly catching it. Twirling it in his fingers and his mouth shaped in a small letter 'o' whistling an unknown tune.

His gaze wandered, taking slow footsteps around the city streets. No one could've seen him since he had his wings out. 

Taking his steps with the same rythm of the tune.

Jeno wasn't searching for a meal- he was filled with boredom at home only watching Jisung and Jaemin bickering.

Rather than being stuck they're with the two he decided to get some fresh air.

A loud scream echoed through his ears- he looked around to see if any of the human kind heard so but none did.

He furrowed his eyebrows, placing his knife inside the back of his pocket. He was about to step further but stopped.

Why should he care- its not his business.

He turned around and walked to the opposite direction of the scream. A sigh left his lips- its none of his business so why should he care.

"Jeno..." a voice made him stop his tracks. His gaze returned back to the pathway of the scream before running towards it.

He ran faster than he normally did when his wings were hidden. He went to  an alley- opening a portal.

He breathed in before running inside of it. Stumbling on to the floor as the portal behind him closed.

He hid is wings, but his eyes were still vermilion. Jeno dusted off his shirt, looking around the place- or should he say house.

The screams echoed through the hallways- and even was heard from the first floor. He knew this was disrespectful- but he couldn't care less.

He rushed up the stairs, sweat dripping off his forehead. The screams were coming were coming from a room.

Jeno slammed the door open- and he was right. His mouth fell agape.

He hesitantly walked closer. Minsoo looked up and met the eyes of the demon. She stood up, holding a knife infront of him gazing on his neck.

Jeno's breath hitched, he froze in spot. He didn't dare to move an inch as the elder women threatened him.

"Who are you and how did you get here?" Minsoo's voice came harsher than intended but that wasn't what was important now.

Jeno gulped. "I heard her screams- I just wanted to help." He might be a demon but it doesn't mean Jeno doesn't have a heart.

He slowly pushed the knife away from his neck, throwing it onto the floor. Making the mother winched.

Jeno's gaze moved to hers. Minju wasn't looking up but she could tell that it was him by his voice.

He crouched down next to her. Minju looked up, his teary eyes met his. Jeno's eyes widen- she looked hurt- vulnerable.

Minju gripped on the hem of his shirt, catching him off guard. "Make it stop" she cried.

Her grip gotten stronger but he didn't mind it at all. He scooted closer to the girl, holding onto her chin.

This was similar to his dream.

He knew a way to make her pain dissapear. Jeno looked up at the mother- pleeding for her permission.

Minsoo was hesitant. She knew exactly what was going to happen and she didn't like it one bit.

She stared at her daughter one more time. She couldn't bare seeing what would happen next.

"I trust you," Jeno ears perked. His gaze met the elder one. "Do it."

Jeno leaned in, swifted her hair behind her shoulder leaving her neck exposed. He scooted closer, he knew he might regret it- but something inside of him told him too.

Minju closed her eyes- knowing what he'll do. "Are you sure?" He whispered to the her ear.

A loud scream left her lips, "Do it- !"

His fangs attached to her neck, he didn't suck anything but it was only to make her pain disappear.

Jeno didn't bit deep but it was enough to make the girl release a groan. The door slammed open, making Jeno retract his fangs.

Minju calmed, slowly coming back to her human state. A hand gripped on Jeno's collar, pulling him up.

His eyes met his.

Range filled the other one as he stared upon Jeno. Minsoo rushed beside her daughter, pulling her up to leave the room.

"Why'd you do that?" He gritted his teeth. A scoff left Jeno's lips, pushing the boy making him stumble on the ground.

A hand held Jeno back, "Don't."

Is our girl okay or smth? Like bRo-

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