Chapter 7: Take me on a date

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<<<(Y/N P.O.V.)>>>

It's been a couple of days since Z and I won the first key. Appearly Arty saw us going backwarts because she won next and Z told Aech so he also won the first key. I don't mind Arty and Aech having the key too. They're my friends.

I wonder how Z is doing. I guess I could check out later. First I need to solve the clue Halliday gave me.

A creator who hates his own creation
A hidden key, a leap not taken
Retrace your steps, escape the past
And Jade key will be yours at last

"Hm... What could that mean?" I mumbled in myself.

"A creator who hates his own creation." I repeated. That could be Halliday taking about himself. He made the OASIS, but didn't like it.

"A leap not taken?" That could mean anything.

I guess I should go and see if Z solved it. I quickly logged in.

I appeared at Hallidays Journals. I entered. As soon as people saw me, they ran to me and started asking questions.

Such as: How did you find the key? How dies it feels to be famous?

'Right, I almost forgot. I'm famous now, great.' I thought sarcastically. I hate too much attention on me. I rather be invisible than in the spotlights.

Suddenly I was pulled to the side by a large monster with four arms. "You're famous now. You can't just show yourself anymore."

Appearly the monster was Arty. "Arty what the hell!" I yelled.

"You're THE J1NX now! You have to be careful. I said the same to Parzival. He's just as stupid as you."

I didn't even notice him until now. Appearly Arty also dragged Z from the fans away.

"Hey Z." I greeted him. He laughed sheepishly. "Hi." He said awkwardly.

"You two need a disguse." She grabbed a pair of Clark Kent glasses for both of us.

"Hold on a second. I'm not wearing that." I said subbornly. Z agreed with me.

"Yeah, it's ridiculous." Arty rolled her eyes and put tge glasses on our noses.

"Just wear it will you." She dragged us with her.

The curator lead us to the journal we wanted to see. We learned that Halliday liked a woman named Kira. Well, accually her name was Karen Underwood, Kira was just a gamertag. What was shocking because Karen Underwood was Ogden Morrow's wife.

"Halliday went on a date with Ogden Morrow's wife?" Arty asked.

I nodded. "It seems that way."

"Just once, years before they were married, but yeah. And despite that and the fact that she died, the name Kira was only mentioned once in all of Hallidays Journal." Z told us.

I nodded. "That's true, I've never heard the name Kira before."

"That's not possible." The curator said.

"It is. Look it up. What we just saw is the only time she's ever mentioned." Z told the curator.

"It makes no sense. She was an important part of both their lives."

I nodded in agreement. "I agree, but it's the truth. I dare to bet my entire fortune on it. All my coins, all my stuff." I challenged the curator.

"Yeah me too." Z added.

The curator started the search, but was unsuccesful. We were right.

Z grabbed Arty and told her: "Halliday purposely removed every mention of her except for this one."

I could see in Arty's eyes that she didn't believe me. "That's weird. Why?"

I nodded. "I agree. It is weird. Maybe it has something to do with the second key?"

"Could be." Z agreed with me.

"It's like it's too painful for him to hear her name again." Z explained tp Arty.

"He did love her."

"He should have told her how he felt. Too bad, he missed his chance." Z said.

"You're right. I lose." The curator suddenly said. Appearly he didn't find any mention of her besides this one.

He threw a quarter at me and Z. "Oh, wow. A quarter. You can keep it." Z threw the quarter back at the curator.

I decided to keep it. Something told me it might be handy sometime.

<<<(Parzivals P.O.V.)>>>

"You're free thursday?" J1NX asked me out of the blue.

I looked confused around. "Who, me?"

She laughed. 'God, I love her laugh. It's so pretty.' I thought a littke bit lovestruck.

"No him." She pointed behind me. I turned around to see at who she's pointing. The curator also looked behind him.

That caused her only to laugh louder. "Oh my god. Yes you."

"You know The Distracted Globe?" She asked me.

"Yeah, the dance club."

"Meet me there. 10 P.M there's something I want to show you." She said while walking away.

"You, be there too!" J yelled at Art3mis. She nodded.

"I'll be there." Art3mis shouted back. "Did she just asked me out?" I asked more to myself than to them.

"And I started to like her." The curator joked. I rolled myself and turned to Art3mis.

Atr3mis shrugged. "I guess, maybe? Who cares?" She said before she logged out.

"I care." I whispered.

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Hi, everyone.😆

Here is the chapter you all waited for. Thanks for reading my story.

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I'll try to keep updating, but I'm currently very busy. So no promises. Thanks again for reading this, it means a lot to me.😊

XXX Luna❤

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