Chapter 4: Real life shit

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"It's alright." We looked at each other for awhile. I felt my heart speeding up and skip a beat, how cliché that might sound.

"Right, I should go as well." I told him. He looked disappointed.

"Ok, bye. It was nice meeting you." He waved at me.

"Bye White knight." And with those words I logged out.

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<<<(Nova's P.O.V)>>>

After I logged out, I putted my headset on the table. Dammit I got it bad. I'm in love with a avatar. How stupid is that. I left my van. It's all I have left. Even though I live in th OASIS, I have to force my self to go out in the real world. The OASIS is great, but isn't real. It's hard to remind me self that non of the OASIS is real. It feels real, it looks real but it's not.

I walked around the dump. It's where I live. In a van between the trash. I wasn't paying attention where I walked. I bumped into someone.

"Wade. I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention." Wade and me were friends. He also spends a lot of time here on the dump. He lifes with his aunt although.

"No worries. I'm ok. How are you, Nova? You look very pale." He asked worried.

"I'm good. I've met someone new in the OASIS. And you?"

"Yeah I also met someone. She's really pretty." He sounded a little bit lovestruck. I felt slightly jealous.


We both know from each other that we both play in the OASIS, but we don't know who the other is. I didn't want that. He was willing to tell me, but I said that he shouldn't. The OASIS is a escape of life, it shouldn't become life. Even though being honest I also see it as life instead of an escape. Yet I think we shouldn't confuse the OASIS with reality. Because no matter how badly you want it to be real, it's not.

We walked in silence. Until I tried to break the awkward silence. "So... have you tried to get the first key again?" I asked awkwardly.

He nodded and pushed his glasses back on his head. 'The glasses look a kinda cute on him.' I thought.

"Failed?" He nodded again. "But one day I'll win." I chuckled.

"Sure W, you can end as second." I teased him.

"Who's first then? You?" He laughed. I joined him and we were laughing toghether.

"Wade! Come home immediately! What have you done with my gloves?!" A voice squealed."

He frowned slightly. "I guess I should head home. My aunt is going to kill me if I don't."

I sended him a sympathetic smile. I felt sorry for him. "You know you can always come and live with me. I don't have much, but at least I don't treat you like shit."

"I know, I know." He hugged me. "Thank you." He whispered.

"For what? I haven't done anything." I muttered back.

"For being the best friend ever." I smiled. He pulled away slowly, not wanting to pull away.

"Bye W." I said frowning.

"Bye Nova. See you later." He waved and walked away.

"Be careful!" I yelled scared. He putted his tumbs up

I didn't want him to go, since I know how awful Wades aunt and her boyfriend are to him. I swear to Halliday, it's going to be his dead one day. Walked further on my own. I went to a restaurant. Not inside but to the trash. I hoped that a few rich men dropped some food in the trash. I searched, but I had bad luck. Not one piece of food.

I sighed and walked away with a hungry feeling. Suddenly a rich family walked by. A man and a woman with two children. They laughed at me. "Look father a poor streetrat." A boy said who was a little bit older than me.

"Just ignore her." The man said. Probably the father.

The mother laughed and trew a piece of bread to me. "Here streetrat. Eat!"

The girl around my age. Sended me a sympathetic glance, but she didn't said anything. "Just keep walking children." The mother told them.

I felt humiliated. After they where gone I grabbed the piece of bread. I guess at least I've got something to eat. I took a bite of the bread. It taste bad, but better sonething than nothing. I walked home. I saw Wade walking just a few feet away.

"W! Wade wait!" I yelled. He turned around. "Oh hey Nova." He said sadly.

"What's up?" "My aunt was pretty mad. So was her boyfriend. She told me if I touch any of her shit again, I would sleep on the streets."

I frowned. 'I swear I'm going to kill them one day.' I thought. "I'm so sorry to hear that." I smiled at him.

He smiled sadly back. "It's ok. I guess I might be staying with you after all." He joked.

I laughed. "I guess so."

I heard his stomach growl. "No food?" I asked. He shaked his head. "Nope, aunt Alice sended me without food to bed."

"Here take some of mine." I said as I offered him my bread. "I know it's not much or tasty, but it's still food."

"No way I'm taking that. Look how skinny you are. You need it more than I do. I'll get food next time after aunt Alice cooled off."

I sighed knowing there was no way I would win this argument. I at the rest of the bread.

"I'm going back to the OASIS." He told me.

"Already? It's the middle of the night. Don't you sleep?"

"Nope, can't sleep and I really need it. I really need to forget, right now."

"Oh ok, I'll guess I will see you tomorrow. Bye Wade." "Bye Nova." He walked to his van and I walked to mine.

I tried to sleep, but I couldn't. I sighed. I really felt like sleeping, even though I wasn't tired. I just wanted to escape this shit hole. But they're only two way to do that. One: by sleeping, two: by going to the OASIS.

'I guess I can play now too, since I can't sleep.'

I stood up and putted my gloves and my vest on. I grabbed my VR headset. I turned the treadmill on. I putted the VR headset on my head and turned it on. The well knowing text appeared:

Ready player one

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Hi, everyone.😆
A new chapter of my new book is here. I hope you all liked it.😉

Please comment and vote, I would love to know what you think of it.😃

Thanks again for reading this, it means a lot to me.😊
XXX Luna❤

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