Motherly Comfort

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Jotaro x Kakyoin


The ground was warm. Kakyoin could feel it through his shoes. His face burned and his hands were sweaty and rough. He could stand the heat by now, but he was tense. The town was rather quiet. He tried not to observe people too much or they'd notice him. If someone came up from behind what would be the score now? How many more times is it going to happen? He knew he was pulling himself thin, but wanted to at least warn them of something suspicious. Everything was a surprise.

He knew it was coming, but he didn't notice that they'd gotten to a hotel until they'd enter. Finally some safety. He entered his thirty-somethingth hotel with the others. Kakyoin needed to lock himself in and lay down for a bit. He stood with the rest while waiting for Mr. Joestar to get a fucking room already. Polnareff was talking nonsense while Jotaro ignored him. Kakyoin couldn't focus on him. He was so close. His head felt hazy and he almost let his body go limp when Jotaro pat his shoulder to get his attention.

"C'mon," He held a room key in his hand. The rest of their group went to their rooms while Kakyoin followed Jotaro.

The two went to the elevator. Mr. Joestar and Polnareff were already packing themselves into a crowded one, leaving Kakyoin and Jotaro to wait. Jotaro stood stiffly, the dirt had finally started to make him feel uncomfortable. He saw Kakyoin sway back and forth, staring intently at the numbers counting down for the elevator. This was kind of odd. He was usually a lot more peppy when we were at a hotel. He was too quiet today, now that he thought about it.

They were finally able to get in the elevator and go to their rooms. Jotaro watched Kakyoin fall onto the closest bed. He didn't take off his shoes or anything.

"Uh, I'm going to take a shower," Jotaro announced.


Kakyoin laid there like a ragdoll, his face pressed firmly into a pillow. Jotaro guessed if he should step in, but Kakyoin made him feel weird. He should let him cool off for a bit, too. Jotaro took a shower and came out feeling more refreshed than he had in these past weeks, thank god this hotel had soap. He dried himself off and ruffled his hair with a towel. After putting on his clothes he stepped out.

Kakyoin was still laying there. "Can he even breathe?" Jotaro wondered. He walked over and sat on the same bed. He patted on Kakyoin's back a few times. He turned his head to look at Jotaro, but his eyes were blocked by his hair.


"Hey," Jotaro pulled the hair away from his friend's face. "You have a sunburn on your face."

"That's the goal. I really wanted a face peel."

Jotaro felt his face, it was a little warm. "I'm going to open a window." He stood up.


Jotaro was a little confused, but he didn't want to fight with him."AC it is."

He turned it on. There were a stack of styrofoam cups meant for a coffee maker in the room, and he filled one with water and came back to Kakyoin. Jotaro slipped off the redhead's shoes and sat at his side. He flipped Kakyoin over. He moved, and kind of looked like a dead fish. A really burnt one. Maybe this wasn't skin deep.

It was still a little warm so Jotaro leaned over and unbuttoned Kakyoin's gakuran. It gave him a weird feeling but it didn't matter right now. He lifted Kakyoin so that he was sitting and was able to slip it off to reveal he had a white button up underneath. Kakyoin still sat, now looking through Jotaro.

"Uh," Jotaro didn't ask this much, "Are you okay...?"

"I don't know."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"I don't know."

"Do you want silence?"

"I don't know." Kakyoin rubbed his face.

Jotaro wasn't sure what he should do. He thought about his mom. She would hug him when he was upset, should he do it now? No he won't like it. Will he?

Kakyoin rested his head on his neck. Jotaro put his right arm over his friend's back. This was a different feeling, but it was nice to him. He wrapped his left arm over Kakyoin as well. He responded sheepishly and wrapped his arms around him back. They were both shy, but they found this position pleasant.

"Jotaro, could you tell me about the ocean?"

"Yeah, anything. "


im never writing smut i cant do it, fugiomis fan (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE) how do you do it wtf

wattpad is transhomophobic it wont let me indent ARG ARG ARG 

i love them a lot so expect more of them.

wtf why is this part illiterate.

767 words

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