Chapter 3- Coincidentally...

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"Libby? Are you okay?"

I looked up from my book I was staring at for the past five hours and waited until my eyes focused again. When my vision finally cleared up, I saw myself staring at Russell's worried face.

I nodded "Yupp."

Russell shrugged. "Okay." He sat down across from me and spilled his books out on the table too. "I'll study with you."

I smiled at him. "Okay."

Five minutes later, I found myself on his lap as Russell nibbled my bottom lip. I snuggled closer into him, putting my hands into the neck hole of his shirt. I felt his smooth skin and smiled as I kissed him harder.

"I love you so much, baby." he whispered against my lips, making me shiver.

"I love you too." I murmured, smiling as he carassed my cheek.

He always smelled the same; spearmint and laundry detergent, my favorite smell on the whole entire planet. Not Garret's smell, or Sean's.

Just Russell.

"I am so ready to spend the rest of my life with you." Russell said, breaking away from me to grin hugely. "And don't worry, I won't make you have too many kids. We wouldn't want to put my future wife in that much pain."

He winked at me as I grimaced. "That's thoughtful of you, but I still hate-"

"Condoms." Russell finished for me.

I smiled. "I'm glad we're on the same page."


"Come on, just let me tell it to you," Russell said, fixing me with a puppy dog stare. 

We were in the campus park eating brunch. A picnic of pancakes, bacon and grilled cheese was the oddest and yet the sweetest combination ever.. especially since Russell took the time to make all of it.

"No, it'll probably be the corniest joke ever," I said, laughing at his feigned hurt face.

"Ouch, babe, that hurts," Russell said, pouting exaggeratedly by protruding his lower lip at least two times the length of his upper.

"Aww, want me to kiss it to make it better?" I cooed, laughing as I kissed him lightly on the nose.

"That's not where I'm hurt," Russell said, still pouting like a little child who didn't get the toy he wanted.

"Oh, my bad," I said, kissing him on the cheek.

"Close but no cigar," Russell said, making a big show of smacking his lips together and pursing them, shoving his face towards me.

Fighting a laugh, I watched as his eyes closed and he waited expectantly. I grabbed a piece of bacon and shoved it into his face, making his eyes fly open in surprise before he looked at me with a mischievous grin.

"You want to make a scene? Okay, I'll make a scene," Russell said before diving for me, making me squeal as he knocked over our picnic basket, tackling me to the ground. I landed in the plush green grass, Russell's hand on the back of my head to make sure I wasn't hurt. 

He showered me with butterfly kisses, making me giggle uncontrollably. We ignored the spectators walking by us and the remarks like, "Get a room". 

"I love you, Libby Sathers," Russell whispered, kissing me gently on the lips.

I bit his lower lip teasingly, making him lean back and say, "Fiesty," before winking. I laughed and shoved him away, calling him gross.

"Now what do we have here?"

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