Chapter Twenty Six

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Chapter Twenty Six

Hook's Point of View

I let out a satisfied breath as I soaked my feet inside a relaxing hot bucket of water. These last few weeks had been the best I had ever felt in Neverland due to Peter's mournful absence. No iced waters to freeze our insides and outsides, and no bright, and no warm sun to tease my failure at defeating Pan. The middle weather that based off of Peter Pan's depression is by far my favorite weather; it gives me satisfaction to see him feel in such a way.

"Mr. Smee, would you kindly give me a hand here?" I ordered, holding out my Hook for him to grasp. He assisted me in rising from my seat and stepping out of the bucket on the floor."Good sir." I thanked.

"Why Captain, haven't you been in a fine mood lately. Anything to due with Pan's sadness?" He joked, elbowing me lightly in the side.

I ignored his out of the line action, and began slipping on my boots. "Everything is going according to plan. Pan is weak, and I am, as always, strong! This time, he will surely fall to his demise."

Smee began helping me in pulling my boots on, to where I shoo'd him off. "Yes, that plan to use the girl sure worked out well, didn't it?"

I cackled, raising my bottle of rum to the air above me. "Indeed! And the next part to my plan will surely go without fail."

He wiggled his nose, confused and I waited for him to ask. Finally, he spoke up, "What would be that next part, Cap?"

I gulped down some rum and wiped my mouth. Then I slammed the bottle down and crossed my arms smugly. "We kidnap the retched boy make sure he's gone for good. And I'll use my own Hook to do so."

He nodded and clapped his hands together, acting like he had known the whole time. But I knew he hadn't, he was a dumb fellow. "Ah yes! Would serve him right, sir!"

His choice of words made me think about the situation more in detail. The boy was depressed as of now, which made him much easier to capture as of now. But what good would capturing him just to kill him do? It was far too easy and expected. There had to be something far worse that I could do to torture that Pan.

The more I thought about it, the clearer it had become to me. Peter's worst fears were not of dying, no! Peter Pan was the boy who refused to grow up! So what better a punishment than to send him to the one place that could take that all from him?

Yes; Peter Pan would lose his youth once and for all! Peter Pan would be taken back to where he belonged, and forced to grow up!

"Smee, ready the crew. We'll be taking a trip out of Neverland soon."

Shaelynn's Point of View-

It was midnight, and I was sitting in my bed, wide awake. I didn't want to sleep and have a dream again. I didn't want to remember anymore; it hurt too much.

I looked to the side table and noticed my notebook. I'd been avoiding looking at it; it had all the stories I wrote in Neverland, of him. I would surely break inside if I read them.

I arose from my position and slipped out the door headed to the kitchen; but whispering had me halted.

My parents were down stairs discussing something. I could barely make out what they were saying.

"Well I didn't expect her to come back! For how long she was gone, she must be mad by now! We're the town's laughing stock!" My mother hissed at my father.

Father rubbed his face, and held her shoulders gently. "Sweetheart, what do you expect me to do? We can't just get rid of our only daughter? Especially since the whole neighborhood would know due to its publicity! There is no solution suitable for us."

Mother swallowed, watching my dad with stone seriousness. He realized that she had come up with something. "What is it, dear?"

Her lips pressed into a thin line and she lowered her voice into a whisper. "Do you remember my sister, Remy? The one who specializes in mental health care?"

Father blinks, rubbing his jawline in understanding. He knew what she was hinting at. "You want to send her there?"

She doesn't hesitate to nod, and grabs my father's hands. They away side to side. "Just think about it; how it would be. She would still be safe and sound, and it would just be you and I. Like we never made that mistake all those years ago."

My mother's hands slide up my father's chest and I knew she had him convinced. I didn't feel like staying to find out.

I turn around and rush up to my room, clawing at the walls to keep me stable. I was careful to quietly close my door to drown out my weeping.

All this time, and I had finally found out the truth. There was no more denying the fact that I was never meant to be born in my parents eyes. And maybe that was why to lots of people, it would've been better that I wasn't born. I truly didn't belong here after all.

I cried and cried. I mourned the life I thought I deserved. There wasn't going to be a happy ending for me; not as long as I was here. There wasn't even going to be a Beth for me anymore. I was being sent to my Aunt's mental hospital.

My mind flashes back to the nightmare I had before I made the choice to leave with Peter Pan. I had been in a Mental hospital; in a confined room, all alone.

Maybe it hadn't been a dream; maybe it had been a vision of my future. And Peter Pan had been the path I could've taken where I didn't end up there. And I had given it up; there was no Neverland for me anymore. I had given my one chance of happiness up, and it was far too late for me to change my mind. Because once you leave Neverland, you can never come back.

Out from my window, I saw something flash. I realized it had been the very star I had been thinking about. The star which consisted of Neverland, and the Lost Boys, and Peter.

In last efforts, I wished my problems away. And where I would've wished for my parents to truly love me, that wasn't what I asked for this time. What I asked for from the second star to the right, was a second chance.


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