Part 3

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When Mary woke up in the morning, her mood was bad. The head did indeed crack, and the face was swollen with tears. She should not go out for breakfast in this condition. Because at this moment, she doubted that she would be able to hide her feelings. In no hurry to call, she tried to fall asleep again, but in vain. In the end, she had to call Anna to bring her head medicine. Anna behaved as always depressed, now, after this ridiculous kiss, she thought that she would be redignated, but Mary generously took pity on her and pretended that nothing happened. When she was left alone, drinking a bitter medicine and getting dressed, Mary decided to think about her situation, because in her opinion it was hopeless. She knew that Matthew would be at breakfast, so she decided to neglect it. A ball of servants was scheduled for Saturday a week later, which didn't please her at all, because Matthew will definitely be there, and avoiding the ball will not be polite. In addition, Edith's jokes will still have to endure, keep from being rude and not fall into Matthew's arms at the first opportunity. Mary sighed and sat down on a chair in which she often spent her sleepless nights in wartime, reading a book, and worrying about Matthew. She took the book and began to read. But each time she began to plunge into the book, something distracted her, she constantly thought about something else. Suddenly, and a piece of paper fell out, Mary bent down and picked it up. It was a photo card. It depicted a young man in military uniform. Of course it was him. Matthew. Mary tensed and squeezed her hands as hard as she could, so as not to cry. She looked at the photo for a long time and recalled how she prayed for him, how she saw him cooing with Lavinia, and of course, his presence in her bedroom. So some time has passed. And while Mary was thinking about her fate, the following happened in the kitchen at breakfast.
Everyone gathered at the table, with the exception of Cora, who had breakfast in bed. Matthew sat gloomy like a cloud and silently consumed oatmeal. Sybil tried to encourage him, but everything was in vain. Edith enthusiastically read the letter she received, a mysterious smile played on her face, and Robert, as usual, read the Times in the morning. Breakfast passed and Count Grantham noticed that his eldest daughter was absent, asked Sybil, it was her, since they had a great relationship with Mary:
- Sybil, dear, do you know how Mary feels? She had a headache yesterday, and today she did not appear at breakfast, - at these words, Matthew involuntarily flinched, Edith noticing this raised her eyebrows.
- No, papá. I didn't see her after leaving yesterday. Don't worry, I'll come iand see her after breakfast. Edith, what's up there? You all shine!- She turned her gaze to her middle sister. Edith frowned and pursed her lips.
-It doesn't matter, you don't have to know." Have a good day, everyone,- and she left the dining room. Robert and Matthew looked at each other in surprise
- Today I'll go to London, I need to get some documents, my client should meet with me there,- Matthew said, looking inquiringly at Robert.
-You can stay with Rosamund,-She is always glad to see the guests, all the more so it will not be so lonely for you,- suggested Robert.
-Oh, I don't want to cause her inconvenience,- said Matthew
- Don't even think about it, my boy! She will be very happy! Today I'll call her and warn her about the same arrival, what train are you leaving for?
- In the evening, at 19:00,- Matthew realizing that he lost, decided not to argue with the earl anymore and would agree
- Great, I'll arrange it all,- Robert was in a good mood and was determined. Sybil got up from the table and said goodbye to her cousin and went to Mary's room. Knocking briefly, she opened the door and saw her sister reading a book, or simply staring at the page and thinking about something distant, she did not even immediately notice the presence of her younger sister.
- Mary!
Mary flinched and turned to the door
- Sybil, dear! What happened? You look worried, - Mary came up and hugged her sister. - It's all right, Mary, in fact everyone is worried about you. You left dinner yesterday, didn't come to breakfast. Dad finds no place for himself, and Matthew's cousin is even darker than the clouds. Tell me. What's the matter? - Sybil blurted out everything in one breath, and now she looked expectantly at her older sister. Mary was one of those who does not reveal her feelings and feelings to anyone, except very very close people. She was close to Sybil, but  she could not open even to her. She would not even open to her mother, at the moment, she had no one to whom she could tell everything. -Sybil, I'm fine. My head ached and only. She didn't go overnight, so I didn't come for breakfast. Has Matthew left already? - she hoped that Sybil would not hear the trembling of her voice at the mention of him.
- When I left, they talked with papá. He is going to leave, for a short while in London. Perhaps he will return to the ball of servants. Edith was extremely weird at breakfast. She received a letter from which she literally blossomed. I asked, but she only said that it was not my business. Classic Edith,- Sybil loved her middle sister, but she also annoyed her. She and Mary often discussed her and laughed at envy and the desire to be in front. Hearing words about Edith, Mary grinned. What could it be? In the end, she didn't really care, and he turned the conversation to another topic
- Sybil, I wanted to know if you had changed your mind about Branson? After you eloped, there was enough time to think things over. Do you still want to be with him?
- Oh God, Mary. Yes. I love him. And I will leave with him, today or tomorrow we are going to tell papá about everything, I ask you, support me. After all, no one else will ! - a tear flashed in Sybil's eyes and Mary felt sorry for her sister. She decided that she would support her, because she had already destroyed her personal life, so why not help her sister?
- Alright. I will support you in front of papá, try to be softer, - Mary smiled stroked Sybil on the shoulder
- Let's go down to the dining room. You haven't eaten anything since morning,- Sybil grabbed Mary by the hand and literally pushed her out of the room. Mary was worried, if Matthew was still there, and so freed from her sister's grip, she stopped on the stairs and listened. Quiet. Ignoring Sybil's suspicious gaze, he descended to the bottom as if nothing had happened. Again deja vu appeared in her head from their dance with Matthew and Mary again restrained herself. After the war, it became harder and harder for her to hold down her feelings. At the sight of Matthew and Lavinia together, Mary almost rushed to run out of the concert hall, but she pulled herself together in time. Walking into the dining room, Mary only thought about him. It was impossible to think about anyone else. Entering the dining room, Sybil called and Carson entered. He skeptically looked Mary from head to toe and found it necessary to talk to her later. Sybil asked him to bring coffee and sandwiches for them and sat down next to the brooding Mary
- Mary!- She cried out so loudly that Mary jumped in her chair,- what do you think about all the time? How's it going with cousin Matthew? - Sybil smiled and looked at Mary.
- I have nothing  with cousin Matthew. It is likely that he will live in seclusion all his life due to the death of Lavinia,- Mary snorted, trying to give herself a cold look.
-We'll see, we'll see,- the sister whispered conspiratorially. They drank coffee and chatted a bit about the times of the war and the hospital. Sybil lamented that she could no longer work and dreamed of living with Tom, and Mary kept asking her to stop these stupid conversations. When the brunch and lunch came to an end, Mary decided to take a walk in the village, to somehow unwind and forget about sad thoughts. Moreover, a fair was planned there, so the reason for leaving doubled. Slowly strolling Mary noticed the church and immediately remembered Lavinia, her funeral and the fact that Matthew believes that they destroyed her. Is it really impossible to forget about everything for at least a couple of minutes? In order not to think, Mary began to look around, everyone was having fun and, all of a sudden, Mary noticed a bench hidden by the foliage of a large tree, on which, looking at her surprise, she saw Edith. She was sitting with a bouquet of wildflowers next to some farmer. They chatted sweetly about something. After standing for a couple of minutes, Mary decided to leave, but Edith decided otherwise. She did not see Mary and nobody at all, so she kissed this farmer. Mary froze in place from what she saw. Her eyebrows soared high on her forehead and she remained in a daze. After some time, when Mary regained consciousness, she hastened to retire, because she was nauseated by such a scene. The road back was oddly better, Mary was in high spirits, because what she saw was a good reason to laugh at her sister. There was dinner ahead, and Mary decided not to miss the opportunity to avenge Pamuk. Dressing for dinner, Mary chose a beautiful beige dress with lace sleeves, her hair was incomparable, and her cheeks were red due to a walk. In general, she looked beautiful. Entering a little earlier, she caught sight of her sister near the span and grabbed her arm and quipped: « Have you always been so righteous?" Hmm, how strange it is, because today I already see you in the gateway with some kind of tramp » Mary said, beaming. Raising her head high, she stepped aside and enjoyed the reaction of her sister. Edith turned pale at first, then blushed.
- How do you know? - she asked in amazement - I was walking tonight, and accidentally noticed you. So, my dear, you sank even lower. Do not forget about it,-and Mary stepped down, hitting her sister with a shoulder, leaving her alone with herself and enjoying her triumph.
At dinner, everyone was very active. Cousin Isabelle and the Dowager Countess were on the guest list. Isabelle tried to convince Downton to make a sanatorium on an ongoing basis
- You just think! How much benefit Downton could bring! I could lead them.
-With the same success, I could lead the parliament building,-Violet said, Downton is our home, and I will not allow it to be disposed of.
Isabelle rolled her eyes and muttered something like "they can do fine without you" and buried herself in her plate. The round was for Violet. Cora looked excitedly at her mother-in-law, who was sitting with the air of a winner. Then she looked at Mary, who was in a great mood today, and Edith was depressed as never before. "Edith, darling, what's wrong?" Asked Cora excitedly. Mary raised her eyes and looked at her sister with a victorious smile. -Everything is fine, mamá. Just a little tired, - Edith said nothing more, continued to eat. Cora looked at Edith, and then looked at Mary, and realized that something had happened, okay. She will deal with this later. The rest of the dinner passed without incident. And when everyone went at the rooms and prepared for bed, Mary was still awake. She read that same ill-fated book. When it struck after midnight, she slammed it and pulled out a photo of Matthew. Now she could give free rein to emotions and finally cry. No one could disturb her or shame her.
Waking up in the morning, Mary was convinced that she had hidden the photograph back in the book, after which she called Anna to help her get dressed. Anna was in a great mood and, oddly enough, she passed on Mary too. From clothes, she chose a white shirt with a short sleeve and a blue skirt, which she tightly tightened on a thin waist. Going down to breakfast, Carson stopped her on the stairs.
-Milady, good morning,- Carson blossomed at the sight of his favorite
- Hello, Carson!- Mary also smiled, since childhood she adored the butler
- Milady, I would like to tell you something, if you let me.
aGo on,-Mary tensed. Another notation?
-My lady, I would like to tell you that Mr. Crowley is very depressed because of the death of his ex-bride, so he may not behave correctly towards you, but you should not be upset about it, he will always love you,- Carson paused; Mary froze in bewilderment. How could Carson say such impudence? Of course, he enjoys privileges in relation to her, but still. Mary wanted to be rude, but restrained herself. She thanked Carson for the advice and went to the dining room. Having poured herself coffee and putting oatmeal, she sat down next to Sybil. Carson re-entered and bound the letter to Robert, and then to her. Mary saw that the letter was from Matthew, and everything inside was compressed. Hastily opening the envelope, she ran her eyes over its contents and gasped in surprise, jumped up from the table and ran out of the dining room. Earl Grantham and Sybil looked at each other, puzzled.

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