Okay so that part was real.

I bring my hand up to touch my lip, which was bleeding.

No cloth to wipe the blood, and no soft lips on mine to make me forget about the pain.

"I'm sorry." I mutter.

"I can't believe you punched him! What's going on with you? Vince and Tommy have been talking to me about it. We've all noticed you're acting weird lately."

"I know it's just.... it's nothing okay?"

"It's obviously something Nikki. And whatever it is doesn't give you an excuse to beat up your best friend!"


She stares at me.

Her expression softened. It turned from looking angry to being hurt. I immediately regretted yelling at her. Fuck.

"Fine." She said softly before walking out of the room and shutting the door behind her.

I sigh and lay back down in my bed.

I fucked up....

Y/N's  POV

I was so confused. But so hurt.
When Nikki yelled at me I don't know why but I just broke down.
After closing Nikki's door I slide down to sit down with my back against it.
And I try to hold back, but a tear falls from my eye.

I don't like fighting, or yelling or arguing.
And when Nikki got so mad at me I felt so bad. Why won't he talk to me? Does he hate me?

I felt so stupid for crying over this. He was probably just having a bad day.

But I couldn't hold back anymore, I let my head fall against my knees, and wrapped my arms around my legs, and quietly, I started to sob.

Vince's POV

I woke up feeling like shit. My head was aching and I was still so tired.
I groggily get myself out of my bed with a groan.
And as I walk out into the hallway I hear a sniffle.

I look down to see Y/N sitting against Nikki's bedroom door, and crying.

"Woah, Y/N are you okay?" I ask as I walk up to her kneeling down to look at her.

"No..." she choked out between quiet sobs.

I stand up and put out a hand to help her up. She takes it and stands up with me.

"What happened???" I ask concerned.

"N-Nikki yelled at me and I don't know why... I know it's stupid." She said wiping away tears.

"Hey it's not stupid... I don't know what's up with him lately. We're gonna have to figure this shit out."

Just after that she begins to cry again.

"Hey it's okay..."
I say as I step closer and wrap my arms around her. She places hers against my chest and continues to sob.

"He said he doesn't want to talk especially not with me... what's wrong with me? Does he hate me?"

"No Y/N he doesn't hate you.... it's gonna be okay. I say.

I bring a hand to her hair and lean in to kiss her forehead.

"Shhhh it's okay..."

Tommy's POV

I wake up to the sun shining through my window and directly into my eyes. I blink hard to try to be able to see but with that I get a sharp pain surrounding my eye. I get up and walk across the room to look in the mirror.

I see I have a black eye, and I remember the shit that happened last night.

Nikki beat the shit outta me.

I look down and my arms to see small cuts from the broken glass of a smashed beer bottle and I turn around, keeping my eyes on the mirror to try and see the cuts on my back.

"Goddamn." I say quietly as I observe the damage on my body.

I open my door and when I walk out into to hallway I see Vince standing right across from me, he was hugging Y/N and she was sobbing against his chest.

"Woah woah woah Y/N are you okay?"

She just shakes her head no against Vince and continues to cry.

Vince gives me a sad look, a confused one still on mine.

"What the fuck is going on here what happened??" I asked, I was so worried. What's going on???

"Why don't you ask Nikki." Vince with a look of anger and disgust, nodding his head towards Nikki's bedroom door.

My whole body instantly fills with anger.
Fighting with me and Vince is one thing but now he's making Y/N cry?

I walk up to his door and bang my fist on it three times

I yell as I continue to bang on the door.

I back away as the door suddenly swings open, Nikki looks like shit, hair messy, cuts and bruises al over his body, and wearing the same black jeans and T-shirt he was wearing last night. He walks right past me, ignoring everything around him.

Vince begins but was cut off by the door slamming as Nikki stormed out of the apartment.

This is bullshit.

Roomies | Nikki Sixx, Tommy Lee and Vince NeilWhere stories live. Discover now