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Kellin's POV

I did my jeans up and looked over at Vic who was slipping his shirt back on. He glanced over at me and grinned. It had been so long since we had done something like that spontaneously. As I looked at him I could just feel how much adoration I adored him in both an emotional and physical sense.

"I know, I'm attractive, no need to stare," he teased.

"Stop being attractive and I'll stop staring," I countered. He smirked and came over to me, handing me my shirt. I took it from him, slipping it on and he helped me do the buttons up. When he was done he placed his hands around my neck and kissed me. I kissed him back as he pushed me against the door. I felt light headed and my knees went weak, but not from the kiss. No, I felt physically ill. I turned my head to stop kissing him, needing a little air to breath.

"Are you okay?" he asked and looked me in the eyes with a concerned look in his eyes. I'm sure I was fine and I didn't want him to worry, so I nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Let's go downstairs," I said and turned to the door. My vision went blurry, much more blurry than before and that's when I accepted that something was wrong, I just didn't know what. I hadn't had anything to drink tonight. I'm probably just sick and I'll be better after a good night's sleep.

Vic and I headed downstairs and I held his hand tightly because honestly I felt like I'd somehow magically drift away if I wasn't holding onto him. Fuck, what is wrong with me? I knew this feeling, I did. I had been there many times before, but it didn't make sense to me though. I didn't take anything, so I must just be sick.

"Hey, there's Mike," Vic said after seeing his brother through the door that led out to the beach. Vic pulled me out the door and towards Mike who was with a couple of people I didn't recognize. There actually weren't a lot of people out here anymore since the party was dying down a little.

"Hey, where did you two go off to?" Mike asked when he saw us and then quickly backed peddled, "Wait, please don't answer that."

"Yeah, you probably don't want to know," Vic teased and grinned at me.

"Yeah, but that's not the most disturbing news I've gotten tonight," Mike said. I gave him a confused look before he went on, "Apparently Justin and the other Kellin are getting a little hot and heavy further down on the beach. Kind of weird since he looks exactly like you."

I instinctively looked down the beach but it was dark so I couldn't see anything, which I was thankful for. I guess it was a little weird that the guy who was practically obsessed with me was hooking up with my ex. I really didn't want to think about that.

"That's so weird," Vic said.

"It is. Hey, can you help me out with getting some more wood for the fire?" Mike asked. I noticed that the fire was dying down a little. Vic nodded and left my side to walk a little down the beach where there were a lot of trees with falling branches that they could use.

When Vic left my side I felt unsteady so I went over to the railing and leaned against it. I was feeling worse by the second. I had taken a lot of drugs in my time and this didn't feel like one that I was used to, and that's why I was doubtful of it being a drug and that was leaning more towards it being a sickness no. Then again I can only remember feeling like this one other time in my life and that's when I was With Craig. The thought scared me.

"No," I groaned and held my head. I was feeling faint now and the music and the bright lights weren't helping at all. Even my common sense wasn't working. I felt like I should go and find Vic, but I also didn't want him to think that I was back on drugs. Maybe I should tell him I'm feeling unwell and then go and sleep this off. That way he won't have to worry about me.

Have Faith In Me (Sequal to IHBNY and Trust) (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now