C1: Scary Movies Should Not Be Seen At Night

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"Don't open that door!" Mabel yelled at the TV screen.
"Mabel," I said, sighing loudly to show that I am annoyed at her.
"The guy can't here you so there's no point in -- AAAHHH!"
I yelled as the crazy ax murderer/ex boyfriend/alien cut off the head of his next victim and swallowed it whole.
While I was screaming, I couldn't help but accidentally jump into Soos' lap. Great.
"Woah. You alright, dude?" He said as he put me down.
Wendy was looking my way.
"Y-yeah! Psh, I'm totally fine. I was just...testing you guys to see if you guys got scared too."
I gulped, hoping that was a good enough excuse for now.
I couldn't let Wendy know that I was scared!
Heck, I'm sixteen and it's embarrassing to admit that I'm still scared of scary movies.
At this point, I was wondering why I was letting my thoughts drift off to Wendy.
Sure, I had a crush on her when I was twelve and was constantly trying to think of ways to get rid of her jerky boyfriend, Robby.
But, now...it's different. I decided to tell her how I felt when I was fifteen.
This happened one year, two months, and three hours ago exactly.
"Dipper. Hey, Dipper. Dip."
I looked up and noticed Grunkle Stan calling me.
"Yeah, yeah. Uh, what happened?"
"Something just crashed against the door. I think it was those crazy bats again. Can you check it out?"
He tossed a broom and flashlight at me.
I sighed and stood up, not happy to have my thoughts interrupted by him.
I grabbed a coat and headed for the door.
When I got outside, it was quiet and a bit too cool for a summer evening.
I walked around the shack to see if I spotted any bats or whatever it was that Grunkle Stan had heard.
"There's nothing here." I said to myself, walking back inside.
And that was when I saw it.
Or, in this case, her.
She looked around my age, maybe a bit younger.
She had black hair and blonde bangs.
She wore a dark blue plaid shirt that went up to her waist.
Black jeans covered her legs and black boots on her feet.
On her forehead, there was a visible cut that was bleeding profusely.
I had to get help.
Or maybe not.
Stan would think that she's another attraction.
Mabel would question her to death with pig/glitter related trivia.
Wendy would see someone to cover her shift.
Soos would scare her.
Don't get me wrong, I love the gang but, sometimes, they can be a bit out there.
I'm not saying that I have my faults either.
Ever since the whole thing with Wendy, I decided to be a completely different person.
A completely different Dipper.
That's why I no longer read the journal or obsess over new mysteries.
Until she showed up and became my new mystery.
My new project.

Gravity Falls AUHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin