- eighteen -

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〚 third person 〛


"Are you sure about this?" Akiyama asked as he eyed Momo weirdly, unsure if she should be doing this.

"Yes! Please don't tell anyone!" Momo begged, grabbing Akiyama's arm. He pulled his arm away from her, narrowing his eyes at her.

"Why the hell should I do that? This place is so far from home, and shady as fuck." Akiyama said as he shot a threatening glance to a male customer who was eyeing Momo in a suspicious manner. "Why do you even need to work?"

Yes, you heard it correctly. Momo had gotten a job. It wasn't as shady as Akiyama made it seem. She was working at a ramen shop on the other side of town to avoid meeting anyone she knew. Unfortunately, this exact ramen shop was Akiyama's favorite place to go alone.

"I just need the money for something, Akkey! Please don't tell anyone! It's a secret!" Momo begged as she yanked at Akiyama's arm, keeping the phone away from his ear. "Please!"

With an elongated sigh, Akiyama tucked away his phone and pulled out his wallet. "How much do you need? I'll give you whatever you need, so you can fucking qui-"

"Noooo!" Momo whined, swatting the air in front of Akiyama's wallet. He's rich, wow. "I have to earn this money! It's a gift for someone special!"

The moment he heard special, his expression dulled. "Tsukishima-senpai, I assume?"

Momo glanced away sheepishly. "No..."

"Jeez, whatever. Just get me a bowl of spicy ramen with extra pork." Akiyama muttered as he plopped at a table nearby. Momo smiled, nodding as she scribbled the order onto her little notepad before scurrying off to the kitchen.

Akiyama watched as Momo worked hard, scurrying around the small shop with bowls of hot ramen. His anxiety would skyrocket when he'd see her trip or fumble slightly, but she'd luckily catch herself and save the ramen.

Even when he finished his food, he still stuck around and ordered small things to not seem like a weirdo for hanging around for so long.

"Akkey, you're still here?" Momo asked as she adjusted the strap on her backpack on her shoulder. Akiyama kicked off the wall he was leant against.

"Tsukishima-senpai would be disappointed if you got snatched up before you could buy him his gift." Akiyama muttered semi-sarcastically. Momo covered her mouth as a soft giggle exited her lips.

"Fu fu, I guess so!" Momo walked beside Akiyama who pulled out his phone, replying to a text message that he had received just now. "Did you get a girlfriend, Akkey?"

Akiyama tucked his phone in his pocket, shrugging slightly as he huffed. "No, she's too busy chasing after another guy to settle down with me."

Momo gasped, "Then she wasn't the one meant for you. You deserve someone who loves you, Akkey!"

"Hmm." Akiyama hummed, glancing at Momo out of the corner of his eyes. Guess you aren't the one for me, huh?

"Are you going to come by more often?" Momo questioned, catching Akiyama off guard. He shrugged, scratching the back of his neck.

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