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〚 third person 〛


As Momo entered the school, she noticed the weird looks she was receiving from students she didn't even know. As far as she knew, she hadn't done anything to anger anyone yet.

Nearing her classroom, she spotted a large group gathering outside of it. Out of everyone, she could easily recognize Kosaka and Hanako along with the vice principal.

Upon seeing Momo, the vice principal's expression darkened, and he pushed aside students to march over to her. Kosaka and Hanako followed behind, worried about why the vice principal was so adamant about finding Momo.

"You!" The wig-wearing male shouted as he pointed a finger at her. His movements were so abrupt that it made his wig shift slightly. "Did you think you'd get away with breaking the school's equipment?!"

Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she stepped backwards, a little startled with his booming volume. "W-What?"

He took her nervous stuttering as guilt for breaking the expensive telescope that was in shambles after someone deliberately destroyed it. Since she was the last with it, she was the main culprit.

"You were the last one with it, so you must've been the one to break the telescope!" The vice principal accused, pointing a finger at Momo who trembled slightly.

I don't know what to do. I... The only thing she knew for sure was that she did not break the telescope that Hanako spent hours fixing.

"It wasn't me." Momo tried to defend herself but her voice came out weakly. The lack of conviction in her voice made her seem more and more suspicious.

Hanako reached out, opening her mouth slightly as she tried to vocalize her words. Her anxiety immediately set in when eyes began to shift over to her, piercing into her skin like darts. Her body began to sweat nervously as she stepped back, trying to avoid being seen. Sorry, Momo-san. I...can't.

"Huh? Do you have something to say, Andou-san?" The VP said as he leaned in, dragging more attention to Hanako than she would've liked. When the female didn't answer and hid behind another student, he moved the student aside to get to Hanako.

"It was me!" Momo shouted, blocking Hanako before the VP could get to her. Momo closed her eyes slightly as a frown graced her lips then bowed her head. "I'm sorry. I wasn't paying attention and knocked it over. I'll pay for everything."

The VP glared down at Momo, disappointed with her for breaking such an expensive piece of equipment that was brand new. "Of course you will. I'll make sure of it. Follow me, so we can talk about your other punishments."

As Momo passed Hanako, she gave her a small nod as she plastered a reassuring smile on her lips. Hanako felt guilt well up inside of her as Momo walked away with the vice principal.

"Momo's pretty clumsy, but I know she'd never break the telescope." Kosaka said as he leaned on Hanako's desk. She nodded her head, frowning slightly at the thought of Momo's punishments. "Why do you look more upset than Momo?"

"I," Hanako dropped her head against her desk, upset with herself. "I couldn't even defend Momo-san while she was being accused. She had to take it on by herself, and I couldn't do anything."

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