"Can't she leave?" Ember asked glaring at Viviana. "Raiza ordered me to keep Viviana in my sight at all times, where she goes I go." I said. Ember sat unhappily on my bed next to Carson. She was glaring at Viviana who was standing in the doorway of my bathroom, who was  pretending like she wasn't being glared at. Though I doubt it bothered her much anyway. "Kye, you can't just go around leaving whenever... We were worried you know." Skye said. "Sorry..." I told her half hearted. I was sorry that I made them worry about me but I honestly wasn't sorry I left. "If we're done with the I-missed-yous can we move on to the funner topic of conversation?"  Ryan chimed in. "And what is that?" I asked. "The topic in which I am referring to is none other than: Why you brought our lovely Sigma's deadbeat mother back with you?" He asked with a smile. Ember's mahogany head bobbed up and down. "Yes, and while you're at it please explain what you were even doing with her" Ember asked. Carson looked at his twin, a mischievous look on his face. "Are you talking about when Kye ran off or when we walked in on them?" Carson asked his twin. "Both preferably." Ember answered. I looked between the four of them with a growing sense of dread. Even Skye who was staring at Viviana through her pale blonde bangs seemed to want answers as well. 'Why did I have to get the third degree? I haven't even done anything wrong...technically' 

"Look, nothing happened. As for why I went to Viviana in the first place is because...we have a bit of a history." I said. "What does that mean?" Ember asked as her emerald eyes tried to bore into my soul.  "My dad's first posting after he joined the army was in Michigan. The Alpha had called in the army to deal with a black witch. He didn't want me involved so I spent the four months we were there bunking with the local pack, and I made some friends that I stayed in touch with. When we were posted in Michigan again when I was thirteen I opted to stay with the pack again. I ended up staying there for a year and a half." I explained. "That is the extent of your history with her?" Ember asked, incredulous. "Hardly, about a week after she arrived nearly every single pup in the pack started acting bizarre. They refused to listen to any orders and disobeyed pack hierarchy. It took me 3 months! The entire summer to figure out who was behind it. Once I did I was even more pissed off. Since she was a guest there was nothing I could do to punish her." Viviana added. "She found away around that by getting permission from Raiza and my father to make me a temporary member of the pack. For as long as my father was posted in Michigan I would be an honorary member of the Tempest pack. Basically that meant Viviana made my life a living hell for the next year." I said. "That is only after you spent the three months causing havoc! I had the worse end of that deal, I had to put up with you for a year and a half." Viviana said. 

"So I don't see why that means you have to go running off to her or why she here now on our territory." Ember said coldly, "she's a traitor." Viviana moved from her place on the wall. She stalked towards Ember annunciating her words carefully. "I am many things and whether you and your pack like how it happened or not I am Epsilon. As such I have the right to go anywhere I please in the United States." Viviana said. I stood up from my spot on the couch and moved towards them. I was worried one of them would do something stupid so I moved closer just in case I had to pull them apart. Viviana had stopped in front of Ember and crouched down until she was eye level with her. "Now, listen and listen well: I am no traitor." Ember glowered at her and she looked ready to try and bite Viviana's head off. "What were you doing with Kye?" Ember asked changing the topic. "You really wanna know?" Viviana replied. Without warning she reached out and grabbed my arm. Startled I fell forward into her grasp. Her arms tightened around me and she pulled me down until I was level with her before she leaned into the embrace. She crushed her lips into mine forcing my mouth open. Her hands held me tight applying just enough pressure to make sure I couldn't escape her grasp. Struggling was pointless so I leaned into the kiss it was the only way to get her to back off. After a few seconds she was satisfied and pulled her mouth away from mine but didn't release me. Ember was so pissed her hands had half shifted and she had ripped a hole in my mattress.  The look on her face was something caught between anger and shock. Carson looked as though his eyes were about to popped out of his head. I couldn't see the others face's but the emotions running through the pack bond were basically the same.

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