The Professor sighed and seemed to age several years. "It took longer than we expected and with James and Lily's will sealed by the Wizengamot, our form of the House of Lords, Albus was forced to keep you there longer. He had plans to give you to Amelia Bones, a family friend of the Potters. After five years he finally got the will open and was able to read it. It wasn't two days later when we found out your Aunt and Uncle had thrown you out."

Nannar looked at the woman. She seemed depressed at the fact that she had failed him in a way. Nannar contemplated comforting her. He decided it wouldn't hurt. "Professor if you hadn't placed me with the Durselys then I wouldn't be who I am today, so I must thank you for that."

The Professor looked up at him with hopeful eyes. Nannar turned back to Ragnok. He placed the document back on the desk. "I assume that this war is the reason for all the deaths on the paper?"

Ragnok just nodded. Nannar shook his head and looked over the document again, trying to come up with a plan of action. He turned back to the Goblin Chieftain of the British Clan. He spoke with as much authority as he could muster. 

"Lets do the Inheritance and Blood Ritual. Then can you give me this Goodbye Chest and show me my vaults?" Nannar was starting to get warry of the sharp pointy smile of the goblins. He had half a mind to snarl at the goblin for the threat of aggression. 

Ragnok reached into the metal box and bulled out two pieces of parchment and a silver knife covered in little squiggles. "Cut your hand with the dagger and let seven drops of blood fall on each paper."

Nannar did as asked and watched as dark red words, which he realized was his blood, rose on the paper. He picked up the Inheritance Ritual.



House of Potter- Father 
House of Peverell- Father 
House of Black- Paternal Grandmother, Second in line
House of Evens- Mother, Second Generation 


Potter Manor- Westerdale, England
Potter Isle- Southern Indian Ocean
Potter Cottage- Godric's Hollow
Potter Tower- Smith Island, Canada 
Potter Plaza- Rome, Italy 
Potter Chateau- Nice, France

Nannar looked up from the properties list. "How many bloody properties do I own?!" Ragnok stared at Nannar, one of those damnable smiles stretching across his face. "Mr. Nannar, the Potter family used to be vast, with multiple children every couple generations. While the head and heir of the family stayed in Great Britain, the other children would often go out and bring back new magic for the Potter family. Plus not all those properties where originally Potter Properties."

Professor McGonagall spoke up. "The Potter family is an old family and has often born some of the greatest witches or wizards this world has ever seen. They where seen as scholars, pushing the boundaries of magic to the fullest." Ragnok nodded. 

Nannar sighed and shook his head. He knew that he was unique but  a family of magical scientists was pushing it a little. He looked back down at the ritual paper. 


Potter Vaults- 

Vault 687: Trust Vault
Vault 752: Potter Family Vault 

Peverell Vaults- 

Vault 812

Nannar looked up from the paper. "The lower the Vault the more protected, correct?" Ragnok nodded. "Can you merge the Potter Vaults with the Peverell Vaults at the Peverell location?" The toothy grin made him want to punch the goblin. "That we can do. It will be a thousand galleon deduction though." "Do it."

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