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Got off the plane at 6 in the evening after 17 hours of journey.  People, people, people everywhere. Finally, I found a washroom that said  婦人用. Put on some mascara; which was already drooping, and found my parents at Starbucks talking about something over coffee. My mother was, and obviously, still is my father’s favorite person to talk to. It was kind of good for me, it gave me more time for myself. I started towards the table, sat down beside them without them noticing me. BEEP! My mobile was clouded with messages from my friends or what you call my ‘ex’friends(but that’s rude). This one was from Annie. We were friends since we were 9.

     Did you reach Tokyo?



I replied with the shortest positive reply. I saw my parents continue their conversation as I walked up to the window and had a look outside. Tokyo was one of the cities of my dreams. Colorful, high-spirited city. Nightlife was what attracted me the most to Tokyo.

“Miss Alyssa” someone called, “come here if you want to join us or we’re going!”

My parents…… I ran off as fast as I could to catch up with them.

My mom said as soon as I reached her  “You should stick around us, you know.”

“I was.”

“Don’t answer back, it’s rude.”

We walked out slowly, my father bragging to mom on the watch he just bought. Ah! What a view! The city was shining bright. Dad called out for a taxi. We mounted one. I don’t remember much after that. I probably felt asleep.

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