Chapter 28

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WE HIT 10K!!!!!!
I am so so happy right now, thank you so much for taking time out of your day to read my story—any of its chapters. I never thought it would get this big! Maybe to 5K, but I wasn't hoping for more than that so this is AMAZING.
Again, thank you!!!
And now back to our regularly scheduled programming :)

Ahsoka swung both legs over the side of her bed, and was surprised to find that her new one weighed about the same as her flesh one. The first time she had seen it had been several days ago, and had been expecting it to be quite heavy.

Anakin was waiting dutifully by the side of her bed to help her up, and Rex had placed himself a few feet away to catch her if she fell. She looped an arm around the former, screwed up her face in determination, and stood.

Stabbing pains flooded her leg, she found herself terribly off balance and her knee buckled. Anakin grabbed her shoulder to keep her from hitting the ground, and she stuck out an arm to steady herself against the bed. Wincing, she wriggled out of Anakin's grasp and waved away an alarmed Rex, pushed herself up with help from the bed and balanced on her good leg.

"Ahsoka--" Anakin started.

"Shh," she said, interrupting him.

"You can--"

"No." Ahsoka met his gaze fiercely. "I'm getting out of this stupid hospital wing if I have to drag myself." He put up his hands in surrender and backed away.

She sucked in a breath and put the tiniest bit of weight on her other leg. It hurt, but less than she had been expecting. She squeezed her eyes shut and took a step.

Her stomach clenched and she nearly fell, but she put out her arms to steady herself and took another step. Another. Another, and she had made it to the door. She Force-pulled a chair to herself and collapsed in it, breathing heavily. She buried her face in her hands.

After a few moments, she heard Rex leave, and then felt a small hand on her shoulder. She looked up, startled, to see Leia standing there, Luke beside her. They had gotten good at masking themselves; she hadn't sensed them enter.

"Come on," Leia said. "We'll help you."

Ahsoka opened her mouth to protest, but shut it once she took in the determined look on their faces. She glanced up to see Anakin behind them, smirking at his children. He attempted to wipe the smile from his face once he noticed Ahsoka looking at him and failed. He gestured towards the twins in an I'm-not-going-to-stop-them movement.

The Togruta sighed and allowed herself to be pulled out of the chair by the Skywalker children. Together they took a few unsteady steps out into the hall in the direction of the large double doors before Ahsoka stumbled. Luke stepped forward and put his hands on her shoulders, pushing her upright. As if nothing had happened, he returned to his place on her right. She was immensely grateful that he wasn't making a big deal out of it.

They reached the doors without further incident. Leia waved them open and waited patiently for the other two to follow.

Soon, Ahsoka found she could take a few steps on her own without falling flat on her face. Luke and Leia led her into the lift, deposited her in front of her room and then hurried off. She smiled at their youthly energy before limping into her quarters and collapsing on her bed.


Barriss wasn't one to wander, but today she was wandering. It was strangely peaceful at the base, and reminded her in some ways of the village she and Luminara had taken refuge in. She had found herself at the forest's edge, having let her feet take her out onto the grassy stretch.

She picked her way through some of the foliage, came to a small, sunny clearing with a stream running through it, and sat down against the base of a large tree. She was suddenly reminded of the Room of a Thousand Fountains in the Jedi Temple.

Surprised at first, she soon realized she shouldn't be; this place was calm and strongly connected to the Living Force, just like Madter Yoda's favorite meditation space. She could sense all kinds of life forms around her—small animals and the like.

She sank into a light meditative state and felt about her for the aforementioned small animals. A birds nest was just above her head, with three babies patiently waiting for their mother to come back. In the foliage to her left, two small rodents scampered about looking for bugs.

Barriss sighed happily. It had been weeks since she'd had a moment to herself.

However, it was soon interrupted.

She jumped to her feet at the sound of the far-off base's alarm, and sprinted for the grass she should have stayed nearer.

From the tree line, she could see five large grey-and-black ships lowering onto the base's landing strip.

And all of them bore an Imperial insignia.

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