One More Night

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Ships: Namseok

Words: 925

I always see Hoseok being done wrong by the other members but what about the other way around 👁👁

Me making Hoseok and bts suffer pt.2!


"Just leave Namjoon!" Hoseok screamed. "Get the fuck out of my apartment already you bastard!" Hoseok screamed as he threw a magazine at Namjoon's head, missing and hitting the wall behind him. "Your apartment?! Have you forgotten we're both paying for this?!" Namjoon questioned, yelling back. "You know what fine! I'll leave, I don't give a fuck about your bipolar ass anyways!" Namjoon yelled, opening the front door and slamming it behind him as he walked out, hands in his pockets. 

Hoseok looked at the mess with a bitter glare. His hands tugged on his brown locks and he screamed, letting out his frustrations. It was only until a loud bang and "Shut the fuck up asswipes!" from upstairs that he grew silent. He numbly made his way to the couch and sat on it, calling Jimin. "Namjoon's at it again, can you come over, please?" Hoseok asked softly, a small pout on his face. A deep chuckle was heard from the other line. "Sure babe."

Jungkook opened the door, surprised, to a tired Namjoon. "Can I crash here?" He muttered, hands still buried in his pockets and head hanging low. Jungkook nodded and let the older in, a concerned look on his face. "Hoseok again?" Jungkook asked as he made coffee. Namjoon nodded. "I thought you were breaking it off with him?" Jungkook asked. "I was..but, he was just there with his sad eyes and I couldn't bring myself to leave him. Not when he looked like that.." Namjoon muttered, fighting tears as he dug his hands further into his sweater trying to warm them up. "I feel fucking stupid Jungkook, he always does this. He always gives me this look and I can't leave. He guilt tricks me every time." Namjoon said angrily, his fist clenched as his knuckles started turning white.

"Namjoon, breathe." Jungkook said. "First of all, you need to be stronger and stop giving in. Second of all, you need to pack your shit and leave the apartment." Jungkook said, sounding like a mother while Namjoon focused his attention on his feet.

"I know but..he always asks for one more night. He tells me 'one more night, please joonie, I love you and you know that, don't leave just give me one more night with you so I can move on.' I fall for it every time. I give him one more night, we fuck, and I feel satisfied but guilty as fuck because I can't just fuck him and leave. So I stay for aftercare, and one more night turns into one more week of hell." Namjoon groans, taking his hands out his pickets to run them through his faded purple hair as he rethinks his life choices. "Namjoon, I'm going to be straight with you, you're in a toxic relationship. You need to get out of it now." Jungkook said sternly, Namjoon warily nodding with his head in his hands.

This wasn't the first "one more night" and it wouldn't certainly be the last.

"Hoseok, I'm done. We had a good run for a while but I'm fucking sick and tired of your bullshit. Don't think I don't see those hickeys from whatever man you've decided to sleep with." Namjoon said bitterly, his stare piercing and cold as he stared at the man he once loved.

Actually, no matter how hard Namjoon wanted to deny and how much he wished it wasn't true, he was still in love with him.

Hoseok eyes glossed over as he tugged his bottom lip between his teeth, staring at Namjoon with sad eyes. "Joon, please one more chance. That's all I need to change your mind. Please Joon I love you so much, one more night at least." Hoseok whimpered as he stared at Namjoon with that same damn look. He wrapped his hands around Namjoon torso, burying his face into Namjoon's shirt and dampening his sweater.

Namjoon prayed and apologized to every god he knew in existence before interlacing his hands with Hoseok's and kissing his knuckles as he muttered apologies to the small boy. Hoseok giggled as he drew Namjoon into a heated kiss. It felt toxic in some sort of sense. Namjoon was never scared of death by poisoning.

Namjoon woke up the next morning, sun rays streaming through the translucent white curtains as he groaned. He stretched and winced as he felt the marks on his back from Hoseok's blunt nails digging into it. Namjoon hated himself. He took  a look at Hoseok and felt sick as he saw the small brunette wrapped in the duvet, hickeys littering his sun kissed skin. Yeah, Namjoon felt sick alright.

He gathered all his courage and put on his clothes and ran. He ran out the apartment and away from Hoseok, he couldn't do it anymore. 

He swore on his life and to every god he knew that the previous night was the last night.

He collected his things from the apartment, not without pleas and items being thrown at him. Namjoon persevered all of it though.

Because Namjoon promised to himself that it was the last night. No matter how in love he was, he stopped going by what his heart said and started using his head. Namjoon only stayed with Hoseok one more night as per requested by the other.

Namjoon finally found the strength to walk away.

The end

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