Earth wasn't any better, not in the least. Trying to force Celese to become like Earth wouldn't fix any of the problems Khaexyn aimed to fix, it would only run from the problem and create new ones. How would running fix anything, how could he think he could just escape by turning to something else and hoping that would change everything for him?

Then she realized, she wasn't one to talk, that's been her all her life. Even now, she had run away from one lifestyle, only to suffer another that honestly wasn't much better. All that happened was that she had lost friends in the process, friends who had probably moved on without her and found their own way. She was honestly as much an idiot as the company she kept, it was surprising this similarity.

Yhse handed the documents back to Khaexyn. "I've changed my mind. While this idea looks very interesting, it seems a bit too.. ordinary somehow. Much like reading a book that comes to life in your hands, it's still just a book. It is a very good idea at least, but I'll give it some thought on the kinds of things I would truly rather do instead. I'll get back to you if I come up with any ideas. Maybe I can find an idea within the library, there is a whole collection of information there." Yhse knew that complaining about books right before saying she would find a solution in the library might not make sense, but she felt that fit with most of her other choices of late.

Khaexyn took the documents back with a frown. "So be it. Please let me or any of the staff know if there is anything further we can do for you." Khaexyn had a few passing words with the maids before leaving, not something she was able to hear. Yhse did ponder that, for all his intent on using her as an icon for change, this was probably the first time he's offered her anything from Earth itself. Considering she was supposed to represent change for him, it would have been assumed that she would have been given a multitude of trinkets and gadgets she has passing familiarity with, not just that one. It gave her the idea that there was more to this whole thing than Khaexyn was letting her know.

This triggered her curiosity, she wanted to know what else he might be hiding. What other motivation would he have for everything, and why her? Yhse had to know. Fortunately, she had made plans to go search for information, it was by far the best place to begin. Yhse set off at once for the library, her maids acting as her guide as always. Once they arrived, Yhse started her search for anything that might meet her fancy.

Yhse's initial impression was more boredom. She hadn't bothered with informative books before, having generally focused on stories instead, and so this obviously wasn't exactly a thrilling experience. Her eyes started to glaze over, it was getting that boring. However, she wasn't doing this for fun, she needed answers. Answers had to be somewhere, she just had to look for them. She just wasn't exactly used to looking for answers, having spent a long time running from them instead.

Eventually, her eyes settled on a history book. It was a record of the development and civilization of the lakeside and the bandits. The author was Khaexyn Duxaeyhlit, meaning Khaexyn himself wrote this as records of his own accomplishments. She started glancing over it until she realized something was bothering her. She flipped back to the cover and confirmed the author's name. That last name was far too familiar, leaving her to drop the book in surprise.

Yhse's human maid came to pick it up. "Are you alright, mi'lady? Is something amiss?" "Just wondering, are either of you even aware of my real name?" "Of course, you are Lady Yhse." "I mean my full name." "That would be Lady Yhseliahysse Duxaeyhlit. Why do you ask?" "My last name, is it spelled like this then?" The maid saw Yhse indicating the author of the dropped book, and nodded her head. Then she started to see what reason Yhse would have for concern at this point. Of course, both maids were told to not get Lady Yhse too heavily involved in her father's work, or even put any additional strain on her by letting her know of her own heritage so soon. That would be for Lord Khaexyn to do, when he felt the time was right.

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