The Battle- Facing Death

Start from the beginning

"You've had worse, I know."

You chuckled lightly, wincing as it felt like gravel was being forced down your throat.

"You probably shouldn't do that for the time being."

His hands had found his way to yours, and encased them softly, fingertips brushing against the backs of your hands as he brought them down from his face and moved them to his chest.

"But you should do this."

Pulling you even closer to him, he lowered his head to yours and began to kiss you lightly on your lips, causing the butterflies in your stomach to flit frantically about in pure excitement and happiness. You kissed him back, your hands leaving his and wrapping themselves around his neck for the second time, drawing him to you until not even an atom could pass between you both, and you could feel his smile pulling on your lips. You eventually pulled away, leaning back against the wall and just took in the man in front of you. He was gorgeous as hell, and man did it feel good when you were fooling around with him. Sure, you'd done it once, but it had felt right. Maybe it wasn't so bad to open up to people after all. He licked his lips and smirked at you, saying, "I could get used to this. When this is all over and if we come out of this alive, what do you say we have ourselves another lake experience..."

Raising an eyebrow at him, you suppressed the urge to laugh, and pushed him gently away; though the thought had crossed your mind multiple times throughout the day. Enough- you were putting yourselves in another dangerous situation, and you had to stay focused. You gripped your knife in your fist, trying to shake the incredibly distracting thoughts that you were having from your head and nodded towards the door, telling Negan that now was the time to go. He just stayed where he was, smirking.

"So that's a no? I'm confused now darlin'. You can't play with a mans feelings like that, getting them all upset-"

You marched over to him, rolling your eyes, and pressed your front right against his, not breaking eye contact. You leant up on your tip toes and grabbed a fistful of his jacket in your hands, kissing him passionately, purposely swaying your hips against his jeans, and he started to chuckle deeply, breathing a little heavier and becoming a little hotter. You broke away as soon as his hands began to wind around your waist, ignoring his groans of protest and stared him down, pointing forcefully towards the door.

"God damn." His voice had become huskier and he was definitely blushing. "Whatever you say, ma'am."

He adjusted his grip on his crow bar, and took one more look at you before heading towards the door. You smiled smugly, watching as he obeyed your command. It turned you on a little bit, surprisingly.

"You ready?"

You nodded, fear and anticipation suddenly hitting you like a brick.

"Hey, we're gonna be fine."

You smiled weakly at him, and as he turned the handle, cracking it open inch by inch, he was suddenly dragged onto the other side of the door by a large pair of hands, yelling and struggling. Your face dropped as he disappeared from sight, and with a burst of fear and apprehension you rushed out of the store cupboard to help...

"Son of a bitch!"

You had no idea who was responsible, just that you needed to hurt whoever it was, and you could hear him shouting and cursing as he tried to fight off his attacker, your heart beating dangerously fast as you saw Negan being thrown into a wall by...


Your blood instantly ran cold and you felt frozen to the spot. He was huge in person, and could easily crush your skull in one quick clench of his fist. Your head flicked towards Negan who was now lying on the floor in a crumpled heap, groaning and trying to stand back up. Beta hadn't seen you yet, so you snapped out of your trance and took hold of the opportunity, launching yourself at his back, knife raised above your head, only to be struck in the stomach by a thick arm, and thrown backwards into another wall, your head hitting it with a crack. Shocked and winded, you tried to stand up but all your breath had been knocked out of you, the pain in your stomach making you gag and fold in on yourself. Negan was now leaning against the opposite wall, eyeing Beta as he stood between the both of you, surveying his handiwork and most likely trying to figure out how he wanted you to die.


He pointed his machete at Negan, his voice low and gruff and steady, though the slight shake in his arm that travelled right down to the end of sharpened steel betrayed his anger.

"You walked with us. You walked with the Alpha. She trusted you when I did not, and you killed her. You, must, pay."

"Listen big guy,"

There was no doubt about it that Negan was about to make this so much worse. He was breathless, trying to hide the fact that one of his ribs were most definitely broken whilst you could only look on helplessly, feeling like the most stupid person alive. Ofcourse he knew you were behind him. He'd known you were both in that cupboard since you'd shut the door.

"She attacked me. I had no other choice. I really regret it seeing as she was such an inspiring woman-"


Beta's whole body was now trembling from his anger, and spittle sat in tendrils on his beard, escaping from the corner of his lips. He was breathing heavily, his shoulders moving up and down with the effort. He started towards Negan, not caring about the useless girl behind him, with his Machete ready to swing.

Knife still in hand, you slowly managed to stand up, and Negan had noticed. He shot a quick, barely noticeable glance at you, then begun to slowly shake his head as he prepared to fight off a skyscraper of a human. He was warning you back, but you weren't going to listen to him. You'd saved his ass once already, and you weren't going to let him beat you 3-1. You wanted to even out the score. You shrugged at him, feigning ignorance, and moved cautiously towards the beast in front of you.

"I'm going to enjoy this."

So am I, you thought, as you silently advanced on your target, unseen. Useless girl my ass. I'll show you useless...

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