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⁂CJ's POV⁂

   Soldier had tried to lick Pin before he dodged away.  As me and Pin began laughing, Soldier stood there looking at us with a stunned expression.  Which only caused me and Pin to laugh harder.  Once we calmed down, I tied Soldier up to the fence posts in the middle of the yard. 

"Where's his tack?"  Pin asked coming out of the trailer.  To avoid the hassle, I had Soldier's tack shipped to the island and it should get to bright fields later this after noon.

"It's being shipped. Should get here in a bit."  I replied.  Pin nodded and shut the trailer door.  Just as I was about to go grab a brush and curry comb, two girls came up to me and Soldier.  One had light brown hair and the other had dirty blonde.  They both had on expensive riding clothes but the brown haired's outfit could have costed up to 800 all together.  I looked to Pin and he looked annoyed.  

"Is that the famous Armed and Dangerous?!"  Said the brown haired girl.  I looked at Soldier who was eyeing the girls.  

"Yea.." I said unsure.  The girl who spoke before flash a fake smile and nodded.

"He must have cost a lot!  Are you rich?!"  She asked.  I was taken aback by her question.

"I-uhm.."  The girl shook her head and fake laughed.

"Of course you are if you could afford this magnificent horse!"  She said.  I just starred at the girl and back at Soldier.  Yes maybe Soldier cost a lot, and yes maybe I had money, but I would never be stuck up and snobby like this girl seemed to be.

"I'm Mia, this is Susie."  She said gesturing to the girl on the right.  She smiled and waved.  She seemed okay.

"Take my number, we should hang out."  She suggested.  I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out so I snapped it shut.  Mia looked at Pin and back to me. 

"I think you would prefer hanging with your type instead of...." Mia glared at Pin and thought for a moment.

"lower class citizens."  She sneered.  Pin huffed and turned around to walk off but I found my voice again and spoke.

"No,no,no,no wait a second Pin."  I said grabbing his wrist.  Pin turned around surprised and looked down at my hand on his wrist.  His cheeks turned a faint pink before I released my grip. Cute. I thought.  I turned back to Mia and her sidekick, Susie, and glared at them.  

"Thanks, but I think I know who I should hang out with."  I snapped.  Mia was taken back by surprise but quickly covered it with a smirk.  

"Don't come crying to me when you catch debt from the moody stable boy."  She snapped back and sashayed away with her stupid sidekick scurrying to catch up.  I so badly wanted to beat her up.  I had a really short temper. Plus, there were many people like her back at my school in the states.  But it being my first day here, I didn't want to get in trouble.  So instead I shouted a nasty comment back at her.

"Better than catching your snobbishness."  I shouted.  She paused in her step but continued on.  I smirked and turned back to Pin.  He was looking at me with this sort of 'awe' look in his eyes.

"What?"  I asked, confused.  Pin realized I spoke and shook his head.  He looked off in the direction Mia went and then looked back down into my eyes.

"Thanks for...that."  He slowly spoke.  I smiled and nodded.

"No problem.  People like her are a waste.  She reminds me of my mother."  I said the last bit harshly.  Pin raised his eyebrows and I raised mine because I had just mentioned my mother. 

𝑭𝒆𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 - 𝑷𝒊𝒏 𝑯𝒂𝒘𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒏𝒆 𝒙 𝑶𝑪Where stories live. Discover now