What the...?

119 8 3

A/N: Hey! I had some grammatical errors in the first chapter, but I wish this will be better.


I walk confused, lost..Room 8..ehh..8. .oh here it is. I am shaking, I always am this girl who is nervous..more like shy. I don't get it. I'm trying my best to cover it up. I knock the door and......


As I open it, what the...? This must be the theatre room. It has a big screen and seats..A cinema?

Wow. This place is getting better and better. Oh no, I just remembered. The class started.

Now, where is room 8?! Probably 4th floor (Ikr? 4th. floor.) I enter an elevator and I see the floor

getting smaller and smaller beneath me, as I watch the tiny screen beside me making its way to

4th floor. The electric door opens. I run in circles, spotting umm..the janitor?

"Hi, I'm new here. Can you please show me where's room eight, maybe?"

"Yeah sure, your'e on the right floor. You just have to head left and it's the last room there, got it?" he informs me.

"Got it, thanks," I smile. I make my way. Once again, I knock the door and enter.

"Finally," I mutter.

"Hello, I bet you're the new student here.. Ms..?"

"Isabelle, Isabelle Ross."

" So class, i'd like you to meet Ms. Ross. She is going to be attending our class. May you introduce yourself? "

"My name is Isabelle Ross. I'm half Australian-- half American. I'm an artist and I was in the

NewYork Boarding School." I say, shuddering at the last sentence. Well I think it is time to tell you

guys. I lived a nightmare in the past school. I got bullied by..who I call the plastics. They were the

"Popular Group". I had no friends, just them. They pretended for years to be my closest friends and

instead, they stood me up. Got to think they cared, all they did was freaking humiliate me infront of

the entire school. I suddenly became the---

" Ms. Ross? I'm your english teacher, Wendy. Pick a seat ," she demands.

"Hehe," I blushed uncomfortably, picking a seat beside a messy blonde haired boy. What??This is

the only seat left.

*|~Blake's PoV~|*

I have english right now and man it's boring. It is, until someone enters the class. Someone tall.

She has this wavy-long blonde hair with aqua highlights. Yes, that someone is a girl. I'll admit it,

she is pretty cute. After introducing herself, Wendy says sternely,"Ms. Ross? I'm your english

teacher, Wendy. Pick a seat."

I can see her blush. Couldn't hear what she said, I was kinda distracted, hehe. Okay, no. You aren't

falling for that girl. Her eyes meets mine. Look away. Just move your eyeballs. It isn't that hard, you

know? Did you ever hear me? I said look away. I finally glance at the teacher, as Isabelle walks towards me. Can I look now?

Nope. Not to mention, she really has a good taste in style. Hey..you just looked.

"Blake," a hand provokes me. I look back and it's my friend . He handed me a paper written

on it; 'Dude, do you see that girl? Well, she is my cousin.'

" It's from Ethan," he continues.

" Okay, thanks." My gaze lands back at her.

"Hi, do you mind if I sit here?" Isa approaches a seat next to me.

"No, not at all," I paused. " I'm Blake, by the way."

"Nice to meet you, Blake. You can call me Belle," she smiles.

"Ehhmm." Looking infront of me, it's the teacher staring at us. Belle blushes again. It's kinda cute

when she does that. Heuheu.

" Oh I'm sorry, Miss," we say in unison.

*|~Isabelle's PoV~|*

The teacher continues the lesson. It is so boring. I swear I could've seen a guy sleeping. A really

irritating sound makes me jump. It must be the bell. Everyone stands up. Yup, it's the bell.. I shall

head to third period. I look at my schedule, great.. I have Physical Education. I wish I could skip it

but nah.. it's my first session. Perhaps, next time. I walk out of class, searching for my locker. The

paper Principal Katey gave me indicates that my locker is the 19th one. Luckily, she was just walking by.

" Mrs. Katey, umm.. can you show me where is the 19th locker, please?" I ask politely.

"Yeah, I was actually searching for you. How was your first period?"

"Great.'' I lie, treading behind her.

"Sports, right? Well, you have lunch after that. Some rooms are on you to figure them out. I didn't

really show you all of them....And here is your locker." she tells me.

"Thank you, sport it is," I assume. The principal leaves.

I place my books in my new locker and proceed to the lady's room, carrying the suitable clothes

for the period.

A/N: Hello, my fellow readers. Hope you like this chapter. Please comment,vote, and inform me if I should continue. I really appreciate your help guys. Blake's pic ------------->


Karen xx

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