My new school c:

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*|~ Isabelle's POV ~|*

"ISABELLE! Wake up, your'e late to school!" mom shouts from her room as I open my eyes

excited. It was the first day of school,my new school. I jump out of bed, change my clothes, and go

downstairs to the kitchen to have my breakfast. I grab the cereal and milk, and start eating them.

Just as i finish, my mom approaches the car and off to the school we go. I was in

year 10, 11 now. I look through the window and see my old school..I dont really miss it. I had really

rough times and memories there, glad I'm leaving them behind. Time to start a new adventure, a

fresh start. Anyway we pass by it, and now finally, our destination! It was HUGE, wow just wow.

I am speechless, not that i am talking but in a way like...mind speechless, well excuse my

weirdness. There is a gate infront of it where trees and flowers surrounds it especially blue

flowers. They are one of my favorite.

Dude am I in a castle? Im serious.

" Well here we are, your new school, isn't it amazing?" Mom interrupted my thoughts.

"Oh my gosh, yes, amazing! Thankyou!" I reply, my eyes still widened.

The gates open and the car parks. I went out of the car and hug my mom so tightly..

" Sooo, let's go to the principal's office. C'mon, we need to inform her that you are here. She's one of my friends by the way." Mother tells me.

" Really? That's cool. Can't wait to actually look at this school from the inside!" I have those

mixed up feelings though, anxious and excited. I am worried about making know, how

could they be? Will I make any? What will happen? I wonder what inside is like? Mmm..and all

these questions showered in my head. We walk in and sjchduhdhdushdhdhd.. I guess you figured

it out. As huge and amazing as on the outside. A women greets us in. Guess this is the


" Isabelle, i'd like you to meet principal Katey." -mom

"Hello dear, come in, feel comfortable. Follow me to my office, i'll give you your schedule." -Principal Katey.

" Thankyou." As I do what she said, she hands me the paper and guides me through the school.

Oh. My.Gosh. A lab, A swimming pool, A tennis,soccer, ice skating, skateboarding court, and

ofcourse, the rooms of the teachers and students, lunch,etc. I told you it was gigantic.

" Well, honey you don't want to be late to your second session" Katey says.

" Yeah sure, what's next?" I look at my schedule "English, it is," I continued. She tells me to skip first

session so she can show me around..

"Okay bye mom, see you principal..." oh crap what is her name uhh..

" Katey."

" Right, sorry" so I walk, confused, lost..Room 8..ehh..8. .oh here it is. I am shaking, I've always been this nervous..more like shy. I don't get it. I'm trying my best to cover it up. I knock the door and......

To be continued xD...

A/N: I hope you liked it please let me know if i should continue this story, its kind of crappy but well..I tried, this is kinda

my first time soo..yeah let me know :) So sorry, i know it is too short. I Would like to apologize for my grammatical errors.

Isabelle's pic------------> [more like hair but whatever]


~{karen}~ xx

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