Rollercoaster Of Emotions

Start from the beginning

I leaned in and gave him a kiss.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

"By the way, why are you carrying me like i'm a small baby?" I asked, still very confused as to why he's holding me in his arms like that.

I was expecting him to hug me or him to rub my back but I definitely wasn't expecting him to carry and hold me like I was a tiny baby.

"Because you are my baby, always and forever." He replied.

In that moment, I thought to myself.
"How lucky am I to have a man like this that I can call mine . A man that will always comfort me when I cry like a baby, a man that will always put me first and a man who loves me unconditionally."

I was lost in his sincere eyes.

"Kim Tae Pyung, I don't know what I did to deserve a man like you. I love you more than you can imagine."

"Son Eon Jin, you make me the happiest man alive. I fall in love with you more each day and I promise to always hold you like this for the rest of my life."

I stayed in his arms the whole time as we confessed our love for each other again that morning.

He leaned in for another kiss.

"I don't want to leave your arms" I said as I snuggled my head into his chest once more.

"We can stay like this all day if you want." Bin lovingly replied.

A few minutes passed again, I felt our princess kick. I immediately took Bin's head that was still carrying my legs and placed it on my belly.

"Your princess wants the attention now."

"Good morning baby" Bin said as he rubbed my belly.

After almost an hour of staying in bed, we went to the bathroom and got ready for the day.

"Join me in the bathtub?" Bin asked cheekily


Our bathtub was one of the highlights of our bathroom. We decided it was necessary to have both a bathtub and a shower so as we both loved taking long baths.

Our bath tub was big enough to accommodate then both of us comfortably

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Our bath tub was big enough to accommodate then both of us comfortably. Bin shut the blinds as he helped me step into the bath tub.
He filled the tub with warm water and it was the most relaxing thing ever. I sat leaning against his body. We talked about everything under the sun. From our plans to acquire another piece of property to invest in, to the baby names we like for our princess.

He shifted me to face him and begun putting body wash on my body. He made sure not to miss a single spot. When he reached my belly, he gently rubbed the body wash on it.

"My princess, appa can't wait to bathe you. I even did my research on which body wash is best for newborns."

"Baby, eomma also can't wait to hold you in my arms and kiss your little cheeks and lips."

They found out online that at this stage the baby can hear them so they've been talking to Yejin's belly more frequently so that the she will find their voices familiar when she is born.

As the day went on, they did everything together. Life is never boring with when they have each other.


I had a hard time thinking what to write so I hope y'all enjoyed this very cheesy chapter. I wanted to show their truest form of love that they have for each other. this is also another one of my favourite chapters that i've written so far! i hope their love and sweetness touched all of your hearts. i'm planning to wrap this fanfic up at chapter 15 or 16 but we'll see ! baby binjin is def going to make her appearance soon because I do want to include bits of their parenthood in this fanfic ! once again, thank you for your support and love! keep commenting and i'll see you in my next update 🤍

edit: we are at 3k reads already, holy shit thank you!

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