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After yesterday's confrontation, all I needed to do was to concentrate on my remaining works. I never spared a glance to the new recruit and my so called rival as soon as she went out of the editor's office.

I expected her to leave but she took her place on what I thought was her temporary cubicle.

"Hey Ji." I look at the person who had called. The chinky bear beauty Seulgi had appeared.

"What's the matter Seulbear?" She just shook her head but pouted towards the fiery blonde. "She new?" I just shrugged. "Probably but I will make sure she would not stay." I suddenly heard her laugh. Loudly I must say, earning the attention of almost everyone present.

I just glared at her silently sending a message that she should mellow down. "What?! It is just funny to see your evil side on the spot hahaha."

I just shook my head at her childishness. She then placed her arm around me, leaned in closer and asked "I mean you are one of the cool headed person that I have come to know. You rarely pick fights. It's just feels new to see you all riled up against someone."

I snapped and immediately turned my head towards Seulgi. I am sure the anger is purely evident in my eyes.
"That girl is surely irritating. I am cool headed but that girl is just so incorigible to be with."

"Well you keep saying that. But I think its the other way around." She said wiggling her eyebrows as she fled knowingly she will truly get a smack if she continued to bother me.

I went back to work but spared a look at the newbie. But I was shocked as she was staring back at me. I immediately avoided the eye contact.


As soon as I had finished the phone with Lisa, I stormed out of the room amd proceeded to my cubicle. Well I must say they provide a writer a comfy space rather than of my previous workplace.

As I took my seat, I noticed a piece of paper presented in my desk asking to be read. And I did.

Good Day!

It is a pleasure to have one of the versatile writers on board. We are happy to have someone of your calliber with us. May this be a start of a sturdy bond between us. Prosper and excel, writer Park.


The letter says.

Well this seem new but I will take it as a encouragement.

I glanced around my cubicle and to say I was impressed with how Lisa had organized my stuff as she had promised.

I took a deep breath clearing my mind. However, before I took my laptop to begin my draft. My eyes suddenly looked around and caught sight of the Kim Jisoo's cubicle.

She had a conversation with a bear like woman whom I assume is a writer here as well. As they finished, she glanced my way and I raised my eyebrow at her silently asking a question with my eyes to which she only avoided and went back to work.

To say, this woman intrigues me. We'll just see in the days to come may it unravel what kind of a person she really is.

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